General Discussion

Retirement and Clothing Supply

Retiring also is a time when it is possible to reduce your clothing stock. When I retired, I gave away most of my work clothes, except one suit, 4 long sleeve and 1 short sleeve dress shirt, and a very few ties. Over the next two year, I got rid of...

banner pic at top of profile

strangely only appears when using a mobile device and not when using a laptop. Anyway Id like to change the pic, any advice on how to do it? I seriously cant find any way to so.

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by lancashire 
Retirement and Nude Time

Retirement probably is a time when those of you could who have retired could increase the amount of time you were nude (unless you were a telecommuter). It was less so for me because our adult son still lives with us and his girlfriend and his son...

Guides related story

For the past two weeks I have been traveling in Ecuador with a small group. Our guide Maria is Ecuadorian and grew up in Quito. She has led tours for years, some well into the Amazon jungle. She told of a time doing a home stay with the Amazon...


For those of you who rarely wear clothing, how do you handle laundry. Wait as long as it takes to have a full load of clothing? Wash very small loads? Combine clothes with sheets and/or towels?

Naked Full Time

Discovered a group with this name today While very few people can actually be naked all of the time, it would probably be a good place to discuss how close you can get to that point. Group is small and new, so others may wish to join. Link below....

Help in finding jobs for nudists!

I think everyone will be pleased if there are job offers for nudist friends... Post offers. - Full time job - Seasonal work - art time job - Individual orders

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Nudism and Porn

When I was at my last non-landed club event, I noticed the usual preponderance of men, and the fact that most of us were "senior citizens" (at least defined by Denny's restaurants... 55 or older). And I noticed that almost none of us...

A good reason for not wearing pants

I have done a lot of home renovation and repair over the last fifty years and as I approach one more birthday, I've come to finally notice that wearing pants makes it much harder to get up. Many jobs require kneeling or sitting on the floor....

A good reason for wearing pants

Outside of the obvious demands of society wearing pants give me a convenient place to wipe my hands when I get dirt, oil, grease, or paint on them.