General Discussion

What is up with all the fake accounts?

All of these single females, in their 30s, obviously stolen pics, and everyone seeming to friend them. I mean really.... Isn't anyone reviewing these accounts before they are approved?

Chatroom issues

HI all anyone else having chatroom problems still? As in Whoops we could not retrieve a token ...

Closet Cleaning Rule

One rule for avoiding clutter is if you haven't used or worn something for a year, get rid of it. This might not be a good rule for 2021 since with the covid restrictions, many more of us are working from home and/or not going many other places....

For our Southern Hemisphere Members

Since Christmas and New Year are summer holidays for you. do you spend time nude indoors and out?

Clothing optional living

Who here lives full time in a clothing optional resort and is either retired or works primarily from home? If you are, about how many hours a month do you wear anything? I remember one retiree in this situation stating that in warm weather, he only...

Nudist social media and...

I'll start with a disclaimer. Like many people born before 1980, my "appreciation" for the social media world is limited. So if I say something that may sound ignorant, it's because I am. A while back, while doing my usual online...

Interesting observation about groups...

Can anyone tell me why some groups are so PRIVATE that even the topics cant be viewed? Some of the group descriptions may seem interesting; but without understanding the content why would I want to request access? After all; this is a nudist site;...

Someone please help!

So I love to be naked, Im wanting to get more involved in the nudist scene, but not sure how to go about it alone. I dont know any other nudists, do you have any suggestions or places that are good to go for the first time alone

Northern ireland

I'm trying to meet naturist from northern ireland For home meets ,coffee dinner etc. If anyone is interested please let me no .

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Questions for musicians with my answers

Do you practice nude at home alone? Yes Rehearsal in a group? No Performance in public? No How about you?

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