General Discussion

When where you the most scared?

While nude what time or event caused you to be the most scared / afraid? Were you scared for your safety ? life? reputation ? something else?

Paid Account Not Working

I upgraded to a paid account, but the features for the paid account are still not active. Not having much luck finding tech support, either. Any site admin able to help?

When does "flashing" become a...

I think that flashing is usually the first step towards discovering nudism/naturism if one has not been previously introduced to the lifestyle by someone else. If flashing is for the purpose of just be "naughty" then I think it has nothing...

Instagram censorship and alternatives

So I have an instagram page for my photography of myself and my friends in the nude, however I get flagged and warnings for nearly everything I post. Their rules are photos from behind from a distance and its hard to comply sometimes with videos...

log in issues

Probably lesson in futility that i take time and type post this, but i shall. As the 'changeover' in software has apparently been utilized i, as well as several others, cannot access the room. It was suggested i create a new entire profile,...

Getting Ready for Christmas.

My wife has been in herPJ's and robe all day writing cards an decorating I had some errands to run and then worked with her. While warm for December, still a little too cool for me to be in my "nightwear" which is my wedding ring and...

Only One of a Clothing Item

What clothing items, other than outerwear and footwear, do you wear rarely enough that one is all you need? I only have one underwear and swimsuit. Also only one pair of jeans, but I do also have 2 dress casual slacks and cargo pants.

Giving sleepwear

Who gives someone sleepwear even if you don't use any yourself? I know my wife likes it so I usually buy her some for Christmas and/or her birthday. If fact, she spends a lot of time at home in sleepwear. One of my lines as I was spending more...

Minimum you Would Need

Suppose you somehow lost all of you clothing except what you wear wearing at the time. What is the minimum you think you would need and buy. Mine would probably be only a little less than I have now. Current stock with places I could reduce in (). 1...