General Discussion

The Science of Grounding...

I had stumbled into this by myself and just thought it was me. But now, there are actual studies that refer to this. The Science of Grounding. I think nudists may be...

If only the rest of the world was this...

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Sex and Nudism

I don't have a desire to have sex in front of a bunch of people. I am posting this because I think everyone will have a different opinion on what is politically correct while nude. I like to twist people's brains and see how they think. As a...

House sitting or pet sitting

So I was wondering if you as a nudist have a friend that does not know you are a nudist and they asked you house sit or take care of their pets while they were away, would you strip down while you were house sitting or pet sitting? I have a friend...

If you want to know about fake girls read...

- About 4 weeks ago I found a profile that was using pictures of a cute girl. - I searched google images to find matching photos and found the account was fake - I added the fake account as a friend. The fake account accepted - I then posted a...

'And they were naked and not...

'And they were naked and not ashamed': Church allows nude worship A church in the US state of Virginia has taken the bizarre decision to allow its congregation to attend services in the nude. Pastor Allen Parker, the leader of White Tail...

Why would you go to the effort of

Getting to a nude beach. Like walking half a kilometer and then not strip down? I was at a lovely official nude beach for the afternoon today called Swanbourne near Perth. I stripped off my suit ASAP and did not put it back on until I left 4 hours...

Florida Resort Question

Just posted the following under Caliente Tampa location when I noticed a previous post was 3 years ago. Hoping not to wait three years for a response, now posting here. Any input would be helpful. I noticed the description here indicates singles are...

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Inappropriate Comments on Member Photos

Hello all, I've been trying to stay on top of the thread about inappropriate photos and the responsibility we have as members to police this, when something associated with this discussion popped into my head. I've posted it here and not...

Underwear discussion

So, I have seen a lot of posts of people talking about wearing no underwear. A few years again, when I was first delving into nudism, I went a day without underwear. I could see how shorts, sweat pants or sports pants, would be comfortable without...