wnbr - World Nude Bike Ride
My plans are all set for the Toronto WNBR on June 8 at 1pm. This will be my first Toronto ride. I have been a bit wary of doing Toronto since growing up in Western and Central NY State, I know it could be 90 degrees out or it could be in the...
who is attending this year? i have rented an Airbnb 30 minutes away to attend this yr FINALLY!!!
I found this information and wanted to throw it out here for crowd-source verification, especially since it is a different month than in years past. https://allevents.in/philadelphia/world-naked-bike-ride-philadelphia/80002429867853
Wisconsin Residents - we need your help. The Wisconsin lawmakers have passed SB 477, SB 478, AB 504, and AB 503 to outlaw any public nudity. This will close down the Madison and Milwaukee WNBR rides. It has been said that Wisconsin will be the...
Hey there people, the WNBR in Nimbin and then Byron Bay is only a couple of months away. Wondering if anyone in this group will be riding. It would be nice to catch up there for a bit of a chat. Ian.
I wandered into the start of a London bike ride several years ago and took the opportunity to strip a wander amongst the riders briefly. Its my intention to join a ride somewhere next summer either Spain, France or Uk if anyone knows of dates yet?
Come out to Enjoy the #FREErangeSFnudistEXPERIENCE ( as NudistEveryWhere has done countless times ). The #Bay2Breakers ( Sun 19 May ) warm up #WNBRsf2024 @SFWNBR Ride&AfterParty ( Sat 18 May ) is notoriously a gateway drug to #SocialPublicNudism...
https://youtu.be/RJc5XL05SuU?si=JMdPtefOXxx1MyfO Brighton. Part 1 of 6. Part 5 has every rider from 2023 ride. https://youtu.be/NnPhoWTmrw8?si=WJQ1kJHBzAmpf1Ny London Ride. Not as good as I hoped in terms of the video, but still nice to see.