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We are Dave and Tammy just looking to shoe off our nude pictures and view others make friends have fun email us or kik modracer3 hope to hear from you
Looking to meetup with other male nudist in sydney and gold coast. Also trying to get a group of guys together for first weekend in jan 2022 for body paint at my place in gold coast. Love to meetup with others naked or just for a chat and coffee...
Hello from New Mexico. I am new on Truenudists and would love to make new female friends.
Hello josh here. Love to connect with older smooth nudists and chat on cam, please add me @ Or pm me
Hello to all. I am Andrea from Italy. I like being naked, completely naked, and I like even more being seen naked by as many people as possible. I feel no shame in being naked in front of everyone, in fact I am extremely happy to share my nakedness...
Looking for a friend any where in the world. I love just hanging out in the nude.
Im new on here and looking for a friend in San Francisco US. HMU if interested
Young (ish) 28 year old from the UK based i. Northampton looking for friends,events, hikes holiday, friends and chat etc :) feel free to add me
Always looking for new nudist friends. Im non judgmental and open to a wide variety of interests.