Haulover Beach
Just looking for someone to say hello to when I'm there
Looking for a lady, or couple, or small group I can spend time with on the beach. Some to talk to and enjoy the sun with on my birthday. Show me the ropes.
I'm from the west coast, coming out looking for warm weather. Looking for any straight people to hang out with/ have a drink. Linda
Cause I am! Couldn't get my friend to join me this time, but if anyone wants to hang out with me on the sand & surf I'll be there, shoot me a message!
Newbie couple looking to make new friends. If interested send us a private message for details. We look forward to meeting new people.
Hi all, I am visiting Fort Lauderdale for a couple of weeks over Christmas and through New Year and hope to get to the beach as much as I can during the holiday. I'd really appreciate any advice on the best place to park and any information on...
i will be from monday to friday, alone, anyone to go to houlover beach? I prefer to be with someone and not alone
We will be on the Beach tomorrow starting from 1000AM to 0500PM! Maybe also a nice couple or singellady? Brg Christine
Available for watching. Will be with a friend that likes men to look. Beach Girl