Travelites, Inc
If you are visiting the Columbia, SC area, our day fees are $20 for any AANR/TNS/person, ( single members )and non-affiliated cost is $30/day. There are indoor accommodations as well as RV and tenting space. Rain aka liquid sunshine or sun, we are...
Travelites Nudist Retreat just put up a new net across the pool.. We also added a few more gardens including a rose garden. Have 3 more plants to get into the ground tomorrow. Hybrid teas, rose tree, minis. A whole assortment of colors. Looking for...
We are planning a New Years eve potluck heavy hors d'oeuvres, wine or margaritas at midnight, and some riotous games. We have a new shade garden that is a lovely place to schedule a special event, ie. wedding. There is a decorated arbor, metal...
We ordered 2 lb. lobsters, I think they were more like 4. There wasn't a speck of meat left; there were; however, 2 bowls of shell. It was topped off with ice cream and liqueurs. The Apple Pie wine that was purchased in Mercer's Winery is...
[ We now offer sandwiches and soft drinks. If you're bringing your own, please no glass.You can use our microwave in the community kitchen. /b]