The Mens Room
Discussions on Male Related issues with Nudism
I made a search before posting this but didn't come up with any results. I've been sleeping naked now for many years and just love it. The only thing I really dislike about it is wet dreams. They can be very messy. I had my first one when I...
one of the reasons why i'm afraid of beeing socialy nude is because although i'm not a realy "sexual" guy, i get aroused frequently, but not for a sexual response, it just happens, for irrigation (my doct explained) but it is not...
Looks to me that we have some naked folks with nothing to do to promote true nudism and it's ideals and morality. Too many folks trying to turn nudism into sex parties. Just aint happening in the websites; retraets; resorts etc. that I go to or...
I thought this might be an interesting conversation tidbit that both men and ladies would like to contribute, preferably, a humorous comparison! Let's try to keep it "under control" with the comments,please!! Of course, I will start it...