Free Style Nudity
Just a quick note to introduce a new member of Free Style Nudity, Jaana94 from Sweden: I hope you will join me in welcoming Jaana to the group. Pamela
Both profile photos and group photos can now be uploaded on a drag and drop system, much easier to use than the old one. Check out the group photos here to see the uploads of some of my recent profile pics
I think most group members will still feel (or at least remember) the thrill of getting naked for the first time with other people around. I would like to thank Flickr member Trinca for permission to repost his delightful set of photos of a group...
Paula is from Australia and has some spectacular photos is her profile - she has kindly authorised me to repost some here: Two lovely views of Paula101 Pamela
There are a lot of posts on TN about the first time going nude - from people who haven't done it yet and are feeling apprehensive and from people recounting their experiences, sometimes in response to questions asked. A factor commonly dsecribed...
As a nudist in a rural environment in Australia I'm curious to learn if nudists in other countries are urban/city based or from country/rural areas.Is nudism more popular as a release for people boxed in by cities & urbanity or by people...
As many of you will know I check profiles of everyone who applies to join the group. I thought it might be informative to share with you a message I have just sent to a TN member who submitted a second application to join: You have just re-applied...
This may seem ignorant to somebut please help me out ......As a life-long Australian nudist & patron of TN for a few years now, I live in envy of the nudist life & acceptance in the northern hemisphere compared to us in the south. But .... I'm...
Thanks for posting this lovely rear view - I hope other members will comment! Delightful Bum Shot from members RandH Pamela
Hi guysI recalled very nice exciting moments when my friends and I used to indulge in games . We playing hide and seek at night indoors in quasi complete darkness . It was real fun ! Well if anyone among you had such similar experiences wish you...