Free Style Nudity
I hadn't expected that snorkelling could give such fun to group of guys! A photograph taken just before an event which proved to unexpectedly eye-opening for a couple of friends. I was on the beach with my boyfriend and a couple of other male...
How about a light-hearted look at how the management of TN keep getting things wrong, contradict themselves and generally make themselves look inconsistent and stupid? Pamela
I saw this news item and I thought group members might be amused to find out what some members of the great British Public think about nudity. For those outside the UK, the Daily Mail is a pretty gruesome reactionary rag so it is not clear whether...
Be free to shave or not to shave... which ever you like. Also, it is sexy when a lady has pubic hair.
Ok this is just for a bit of fun.... I HATE feet with a fervent passion and really it does put me off when I see someones profile with the main picture is their feet! Whats your A. favourite body part and B. pet disliked body part? For me its feet...
This is my first post in this group and I hope that I don't offend anyone with it. If it's out of line I hope the group owner will remove it right away.......... Recently I read somwhere that 99% of all men does not get an erection while...
Maybe not entirely, that would be rather boring, but I think that looking and being looked at is one of the things I like best. As I said elsewhere in this group, I think girls have by far the better deal where showing off is concerned. It...
Is it just our experience or is there really a high percentage of bi-sexualand bi-curious people in the nudist world?
How much do you really know about the law and nudity in your own garden, on the beach etc in your own country? We are very surprised at the number of people in the UK, including police officers, who do not understand the law in regard to private and...