Bromance SP
I've started a group on skype, where we can chat and share without having to worry about getting semi or adjusting our testicles. It's not for wanking, but we're not afraid of boners, either. If that sounds good to you, shoot me a...
Hello. 25 years old from Costa Rica. Looking preferably for straight bros to share body pics to and get their opinions on them. Get them comment about my nipples, armpits, body hair, etc. I'm also interested in comparing our bodies, but it's...
The taboos toward nudity in the USA religious society is so silly. Having traveled to several other countries I have found that nudity and physical contact is just part of the norm in many other societies. Having experienced this for years I have...
Ja pensou em participar de uma Expedicao de Nudismo Liberal nos Lencois Maranhenses? Pois e, seus sonhos se realizaram! Serao 7 dias de viagem conhecendo as 3 bases: Atins, Barreirinhas e Santo Amaro. Tomaremos muito banho de lagoa pelado e faremos...
conviver nu eh super agradavel e com a vacina o convivio esta ficando menos perigoso... bora marcar? Abs Amauri
Im new here I hope am welcome add me on hangout/googlechat.
Im new here I hope am welcome add me on hangout/googlechat.
It a rare occasion to be able to play with somebody for a long time seems that once somebody gets off or does the dirty deed or touches somebody enough that person says it's time to clean up and get on the road . To touch or suck on them massage...
In my fantasy bromance, me and him are almost always naked, arms around each others necks so that our chests are side by side, skin to skin. In my experience a two-person bean bag chair is excellent for this. I like to just chill that way for hours...