50+ Nudies

looking for nude job

I am 36 years old male live in Europe Hungary, l looking for nude job as a houddse boy or au pair in Europe or maybe another area also. if anyone interested send me private message please or email: chren27@gmail.com Bye smallpenis36

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hi all friends

hi all i m lorenzo from italy 50 single nudist at home i like share nude photos with other people men or women not important and i like chat if u want chat with me add me in whatsapp +393335652718 or facebook i m lorenzo polieri there or yahoo...

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Baby Boomers

Ok lets see how many baby boomers like me out there who shave there pubic area . I love it my self it's a great feeling!!!

The grey zone !

Just wondered if the reason why people shave down there is because Junior/Senior is starting to look a little grey & old ? :)


Hi guys I'm Mikey from Cheshire, new to all this and this site, hoping to have a good old natter and some banter with you nice people :)

Oral Sex

Is oral sex with hair is preferable? I prefer the public hair as it is natural one. but the problem is hair sticks on the mouth....any advice.

Hello i m from India

my skype ID is rishirishi00

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There are at least three groups for 50+...

Besides this one, there is Nudists 50+ (which has 35 members and has had zero activity) https://www.truenudists.com/groups/3745/ and Naked Ol' Pharts 50+ (which has 617 members and has had activity) https://www.truenudists.com/groups/7/

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Good afternoonMany thanks for letting me join.Great to chat with the same generation as myself .