
Walking/Running Barefoot

I recently had to take up serious walking to essentially save my own life. I'm pretty much barefoot most of the time, but walking several miles a day barefoot on pavement was harder on the soles of my feet than I had anticipated. So...... I...

Barefooter tattoo

Ive had a rough idea of a barefooter tattoo for years. Ive kept some pictures on my phone that I found online over the years. Yet I wanted something original and couldnt quite work it out creatively for a long time. Then a few weekends ago I saw my...

6 mile hike barefoot

Last weekend I did a wilderness trail hike 6 miles round trip down to a waterfall and back. Theres a more detailed story in the Nude Hikers group. Afterwards my feet felt amazing. Love being barefoot. Had my earth runners sandals strapped to my...

Barefoot Happiness!

Happiness is finding a white line on black asphalt on a hot sunny summer day. So smooth, so cool. 2 minutes ago


So who here plays any sports in bare feet, or maybe used to in school? (Apart from the obvious ones like swimming and beach volleyball, naturally!) I play in both a pick-up soccer league and an adult kickball league, both barefoot! It's earned...

Keeping feet toughened during winter

I'm in Ohio and want to keep the soles of my feet thick so I don't have to start all over every spring?

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Barefoot and naked

I'm mostly a home nudist day in day out. I never wear a stitch of anything at home 365 - and don't own any underwear, or slippers or even a robe. I have to be completely naked for me. I specifically address always barefoot and naked....

Still driving barefoot everyday

I walk out the door barefoot every morning. Get in the car. Drive to the office. Put on my minimalistic office shoes and in I go. I come out hours later. Get in the car. Take my shoes off and drive home barefoot. I really hate wearing shoes. I can...


Anyone else enjoy being bare footed? It feels great to be sockless!!! Its a good relief to be nude nd sockless...

Barefoot inside my minimal shoes

Sometimes you have to wear shoes to protect your feet. But did you know that many shoes can also cause lasting damage to your feet? You are protecting in one way and hurting in another. Not to mention uncomfortable. So on to barefoot shoes....