
Barefootin and size

Recently I was fortunate enough to enter a semi-retired state. (Now working from home.) No more restrictive and corporately acceptable shoes. Barefoot a whole, whole lot! Almost always. And *NAKED* while working! Love it. LOL. So to the point... my...

Bonfire -- Men Only -- Platonic -- Nudity...

Barefooters Preferred Bonfire at my place as soon as the trees are covered in leaves Springfield MO Area Send me a private message if you'd like additional information ~ Men Only ~ Male Bonding ~ Male Camaraderie ~ Platonic ~ Strictly Nudist...

Driving barefoot

Out of habit, I always drive barefoot. Not just because I prefer to be barefoot in general, but because it also helps me to feel much more in touch with the pedals and the road. What's surprising is how so many people think the practice is...

Barefoot tattoo

Thinking about a tattoo to represent this. Maybe bare foot prints. Its a big part of who I am (barefooting) so I need to get it inked. Hmmm.. maybe left rear calf two foot prints. Ive been searching Google but anyone got a tattoo that represents the...

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Barefoot hiking

I had my longest ever barefoot hiking last weekend. It was in a challenging river gorge location with big boulders, water to wade through and across and the occasional trek across a trail around places I couldnt climb straight across. I had much...

Ran a naked 5k barefoot

Two weeks ago I ran a naked 5k barefoot was planning on it but it worked out that way and I am still standing you can read my report about it here

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Denver at MAR

Heading to Denver by Aug 17-21 for naked hikes at Mountain Air Ranch. A nude resort with many trails. I know you have to pay to get in and spend the night but it's totally worth it (at least that's how it looks like and what I heard of) No...

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Barefooter snap chat!!!

Anyone interested in a barefooter snap chap group? If so add your name!!!

Off Season Barefooting

It is definitely way off season, as winter is starting to make its' presence known, to be talking about barefooting. But, as an ardent nudist I enjoy bare feet year round, I don't feel completely naked unless my feet are bare, which is...

Barefoot is (a part of) life !

I m ALWAYS barefoot home and when i go to someone else house ! even if they are not nudists ! it s the way to be : BAREFOOT ! it's so natural, free, you feel contact with house ! i can see my marks, mainly in summer, on floor ! being barefoot I...