SouthWest Florida Fishermen
Little bit of yard work and a house project. Then, boating and fishing on the gulf. Hoping to get out on the gulf for some fishing and boating daily. Anyone else in the area fishing this time of year. Will need to stock up on SPF for sure. Have boat...
Finally a break in the wind and we are able to get off shore again. Looks like it was a very small window we took advantage of and it is now closed again. Started fishing at midnight. Midnight on the Gulf shows you what Black looks like. We somehow...
Had a small window to fish and took atvantage. Front heading this way and each day gets worse for the next week. Currently everything is biting if you are out on the water. Big grouper, kingfish, Pompano, even better African Pompano, allthe snapper,...
If the winds favor fishing the fish are biting and they are big fish. Looks like the last month for two cobia per person in Federal Waters not like a boat full of people need two per person. Changing to two per boat. Yellowtail, Mangrove, Lane...
Kings, Afracian Pompano, Sharks, Huge Mangrove and Yellowtail, Large Lanes, are all actively biting. First trip of the season, Ironman Trip, 19 hours. NEED SLEEP
Heading back south for a month and will be north again for the holidays. Road Trip. No plan, no route, see where the road takes me. Have a start and an end. Everything in between is a mystery.
Red Tide changes from day to day. Up one day, down the next. Blue Green Algae is at it worse in canals closest to where the Lake O discharge water meets the Gulf and SW FL. Depending on where you are fishing out of, Brown Water (Dead Water) extends...
Off shore Naked Fishing trip. If interested, get in touch with me. Fishing out of NAPLES
Fishing Off Shore and looking for one or two other nudists/fishing buddys to make the off shore trips and share the costs of course. Not looking for a freeloader as no problem fishing solo if I pick up all the cost. Wouldn't think that needs to...