Manscaping & Male Grooming
I need to have some body p[arts trimmed up. Does anyone provide that service?? thanks
I like smooth but everytime I try with razer or clippers I cut myself. I use hair removal creams but when it starts to grow back very scratchy n itchy. I scared to get wax. Anyone have any suggestions?
I am not a professional but have the tools and knowledge to give some free manscaping. I have a nursing background and have done many prep shaves for surgery so, I have the skills to clip without causing injury. I can give a full service and treat...
I am not a professional but have the tools and knowledge to give some free manscaping. I have a nursing background and have done many prep shaves for surgery so, I have the skills to clip without causing injury. I can give a full service and treat...
Has anyone ever get their balls waxed??
Based in Belper, Derbyshire I offer Professional Male Grooming Waxing, Clipping & Shaving if your in the area and interested in a treatment, give me a call +44 (0) 1773 273124 or for more details
This stuff supposedly slowly kills the root so that after a few treatments the hair is completely gone. There are different variations for face and penis/crotch. Not cheap and I can not find any reviews
Love to shave and clipper fellow nudists. Love the smoothness of daily scrotum and pubis. Also love to clipper or shave heads... nude of course.
I love for someone to shave my balls and butt not overly hairy just enjoy nice smoth balls and butt like to leave a little trimmed above penis anyone if anyone is interested send me a message..thanks naked in Vallejo california
I get Brazilian waxed every 5 weeks. I mean hair from front to back and and in between. It is awesome.