physical exams on-line
Skype, Snapchat, Whatsapp Group for nudists
Hey, I'm Diego, I'm 18yo and I created a nudists group on Whatsapp. Write me to +573204541069 and I'll add you to the new group. Naked hugs for all. My SKYPE username is diegoabogota and my SNAPCHAT is diegoalejorm
trained medic here; examinations over Skype etc a bit limited but would be interested to participate
How Does This Work New Here
How does this work I do have yahoo and skype reply if u want to add
I would like to try this
Anybody to play doctor for exam?This could be fun.Send me your skype name
Physical Exams in Oz
Anyone in Australia interested in full body physical exams?
women appt needed
its been a while since i was examined and i really need an extensive check up... please mail me for an appointment
Id love to try this as a patient. Message me on here and ill give you my skype.