True nudist format changes.
Unknown Error msg when I try to pm text.
Hiw do I fux this problem where I can't pm text a TN friend and neither of us have disabled texting from each other?
Deleting Messages
I have never been able to delete messages in my messages folder. I click on delete and it comes right back the next time I go to the page. I have submitted tickets but no results. Is anyone else having this problem?
Can anyone help me? Just want my add freind...
Hello, I still don't understand why when I get the final add friend button, it doesn't work. Is there a secret to it? Any tech gurus please help me!
friendship add and sending message.
My friend add and message send button does not work. I can return messages but, not send new one.
photo view
Maybe its only me but, I have not been able to view complete photos like I used to.
Show 1-6 of 6