Daring Nudists!!

Deciding it's OK to be seen naked.

My casualness about this surprised me a little, but considering the context: The location: A secluded two mile stretch of beach that is always empty when I hike it on a weekday, late afternoon. The beach ends at a trail which winds 1/2 mile through...

on the clock bare

Yesterday when I got back to the office after making a delivery, I was the only one there and knew no one else would be showing up during the few minutes that I would be there putting a few things away. So I put the items away NAKED! Then clocked...

Out in storms

With all this talk about hurricanes i just wondered if anyone has ever gone out in really bad weather well naked. Worst ive been is when it was really hard rain with mild wind but to make the rain be going horizontal.

Has anyone been warned to cover up or be...

In my state it could be a simple misdemeanor or a class 6 felony if children under 14 are present.

Naked in the School Bus

That happened 8 or 9 years ago while I was a student and I was in my school bus on the way back home. I was sitting on the five final final seat of the coach with a friend of mine. We were just the two of us and the driver in front. After my friend...

Skinnydipping in London

Found the link to this article on another site, and thought it was interesting. The writer thought it would be daring to skinnydip his way across London in the daylight, and was surprised at the tepid response. Comments?...

Dare you to do this!

I just sat nude on my front porch shaving/ trimming my pubes and groin and drinking my coffee. Great feeling!!!

driving nude

I know this is probly not much for a lot of people but for the first time for me it was.Went to the beach today and when I left I pulled my shorts off and drove 1 hour back to my camper with nothing on. It was not that hard to do. I was surprised...


I've just been on holiday for 9 days which meant living a textile life. However, where we were staying didn't have any plumbing, which meant walking to the block for facilities. At night however, we simply watered the nearest bushes. As...

Roadside twice today and it is only 8:30 am

I awoke before the guy came with the newspaper ( 5am) and it is still warm enough to be nude outside overnight. I stood out in my front yard and looked up at the stars and was about 8 foot from the curb as he pulled up. His headlights lit me up...