Daring Nudists!!

condo in Fla

I to have daring pictures taken. These were at a condo in Fla last Sept

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Strip Naked in a Bar

There is a similar group -- I've posted the below there, too:https://www.truenudists.com/groups/view.php?action=viewthread&id=7315&idt=70011&vpage=1 [Nudist-I] Nudepreston we have a challenge you may want to do. Go into a bar strip,...

I did get naked at work one weekend when...

Here I am in the restrooms.

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Anybody have leads to where to streak or get naked (risky) in NYC?

anyone out there wishing to be photgraphed...

looking for willing people who willing tie naked in unusal placesrailway platform, petrol stayion, telephone box . posting letter and lots more must be In uk


Daring nudists occasionally have encounters with textiles. While editing this videoof my regular morning boating tasks I found that there is this unexpected encounter recorded on the sound track of the raw footage. This type of encounter is so...

House guests

Stayed naked for any and all visitors to our home. Wheather they were surprise/drop in guests or we had plans for the visit. There were a couple uncomfortable moments but mostly it was a blast.

Hotel Time

Did some strolling in my hotel hallways last night. Fun and definitely exciting. Don't think anyone saw me. No cameras in the hallway. I made sure. Anyway, was fun

Including Pictures in Posts

I always feel that it is better to include pictures in posts rather than put them in the forum gallery where their relevance may not always be obvious and where the appropriate pictures may be difficult for a reader to find. The technique is to load...

Dare - Theatre or Cinema

A new dare, be on stage, in a theatre or in a cinima. Even more daring if there is an audience.