Gymnos Aquatic Saints

Tick Time!

Warning to all fellow Nudists!!

Music Video, Jesus' Passion

The Passion of Jesus in a more historically correct way through art and drawings. Many nude.

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Drunkenness, Nudity, & Freewill

I have ask many guys if they would go skinny-dipping with me. Many a time they would joke and say, "Sure, if I am drunk". I find it interesting that when is comes to becoming drunk, nudity is sometimes involved. Either because someone...

Fellowship and bonding versus fun

I'm partly writing to promote this group. If we keep some activity in this group, it stays higher on the list and then people will see it and consider joining. If there is no activity, people will assume the group died. So we don't have to...

Christianity and Skinny-dipping

I love History. I am also considered a local historian. I did some research and created a Time Line on Skinny-dipping and Public Bathing in Christian History. Here is the link to my blog:

Noah, Ham, & Nudity

SOME Christian Denominations use this historical story in the bible as evidence that fathers and sons should not see each other nor partake in any naked activities. But what if they are reading the meaning of this event all wrong? Here is an...

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War on Male Nudity

The United States of America is greatly divided in many things. One subject of division is male nudity, and in all places, in the men's locker room. Only 40 years ago this was not a big issue. What I find surprising is that when I did research...

The Skinny-dipping President.

One of the most Conservative, die-hard Christian Presidents of the United States of America, was an active skinny-dipper?

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New Group!

Share scripture and bible stories on nudity!

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Video I made on Old Men in the Lockerroom

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