Nudist Storytelling

Good Day

I love to write fantasy fiction myself. I am more of the sword and sorcery type. I am really enjoying creative writing as opposed to the technical writing I have done for many years. When I found this group I never thought of writing about...

Widening Day

Writing prompt: Invent a holiday which is based on a natural phenomena and then describe how it is celebrated Here is what I came up with in the allotted 20 minutes with a bit of post session editing. The Earth's tectonic plates move which we...

Corona Virus Pandemic

The Corona Virus pandemic is eerily like the one I imagined in my novel 'Someday', in which a rogue scientist creates a deadly virus in a government bio-warfare lab, and releases it at every major airport in the world. In my story the virus...

Stories; how many of you actually write them?

How many of you actually write? I mean, this group is supposed to be about writing stories, fictional or factual, about or including, social nudity. I've written two short novels, published by eXtasy books, which feature nudist situations, and...

Is a pen and paper the only way to tell...

I used to make TV programmes. They were stories that were told on film in pictures and sounds. Is a story any different if told with other media than pen and paper.

Books on Nudism / Naturism

I was in a major bookstore today, armed with a book token given to me as a birthday gift. I knew what book I wanted, but I looked for books on naturism and nudism. I couldn't find one. There were books on alternative lifestyles and various...

Just found this group

I am a long time avid nudist and a far more recent fiction writer. I am a member of a couple of local writer's groups that encourage creative storytelling. When I first set out to write fiction my fellow writers encouraged me to use my true life...

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Love to Read

Hi All, Love to receive and read erotica. Message us for email

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No moderator?

It appears I have joined another group with no moderator! 'Writerguy' is the originator, so why no moderator?

Moderation for this group

Hi everyone, There has been some discussion of the moderation for this group, and why it is the way it is. I thought I should explain it in a new thread. Let me start by explaining the history of this group. I started it with another TN user, after...