Playalinda/Apollo Beach
THIS IS IDIOTIC and it shouldn't even need to be said, but this was passed on by AANR Florida: there has been a second citation of the year for someone being nude in the parking lot of Playalinda. We were successful in getting the first...
If you are not aware, August 25th is a free day to enter Canaveral National Seashores which Apollo and Playalinda are in. So get there early.
Headed over to catch up on some naked sun time this coming weekend. Aug. 3rd and 4th. Anyone else going or interested in meeting up. Been going for 11 years now and always nice to meet new people as well.
Anyone else going this week?
We are going in July. Which lot is the best one to go to?11,12,13?
We know lot 12 at playalinda is nude. How many other lots are nude? If lot 12 is full
Headed to Playalinda this Sat. 6-22, weather permitting, come on over!
I'll be in Orlando area 6/18-6/23 and always looking for new friends to hangout with or places to explore. I'm coming there for a conference Tuesday-Friday (Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek Hotel). I'll be free evenings and on the weekend....