I have driven nude many times between Savannah GA and Chrarlston SC. The only time I pulled up my shorts was while driving through the city of Charleston [too many street lights and iffy neighborhoods]. Most of the drive was in rural areas and at night. It is exciting.It does however keep you very aware of speed limits and conservative driving. So....I agree, it is a very good tool for long distance drivers.... sure does keep you awake.
Please be aware of any vehicles that might be able to view your state of (un)dress. SC has enough issues to deal with unfortunately.
Driving around nude is one of my favorite things to do beacuse it lets me have my nude time freedom in public without getting caught (as long as I am careful). In fact on Monday I decided to go to White Tail Resort which is about a 1 hour drive from my home. I drove there naked and spent about 3 hours there then drove home naked as well. I especially love my daytime naked driving, and luckily for me being male it is a lot easier to get away with it than it would be for a female. I only wish I could get a home in a nude community so I could live nude all of the time!!! About 4 years ago I had to drive from VA to FL and I made the trip both ways completely nude! Was one of the best trips of my life!
Driving around nude is one of my favorite things to do beacuse it lets me have my nude time freedom in public without getting caught (as long as I am careful). In fact on Monday I decided to go to White Tail Resort which is about a 1 hour drive from my home. I drove there naked and spent about 3 hours there then drove home naked as well. I especially love my daytime naked driving, and luckily for me being male it is a lot easier to get away with it than it would be for a female. I only wish I could get a home in a nude community so I could live nude all of the time!!! About 4 years ago I had to drive from VA to FL and I made the trip both ways completely nude! Was one of the best trips of my life!
WOW as much as awesome as all of these post sound I live in Kansas and I just wonder if I could say what the heck and drive nude myself I am well I do have dark tinted windows so I coul drive without being seen and be relaxed ..Just would have to be sure the cops wouldnt get curious and pull me over for some b.s reason ..But heck yea I would do it
It is perfectly possible to get a ticket driving nude - I was driving up an isolated strecth of I5 - Northern California and Oregon, at night, and was pulled over by a cop who already knew that she would find a naked driver. I'd evidently been reported by a trucker or somesuch driver who was high enough to see down into the driver's seat of my car! After a lecture about how perverted I was, and asking me to put clothes on, she wrote me a ticket for "weaving in my lane" - to justify the stop - and let me go.
I appeares from these posts that there are several different motives for driving nude. For some, like me, it is simply a matter of comfort and convienence. Slipping off my pants for a 10 mile jaunt to the store does not seem worth the trouble of trying to get them back on again so quickly. On the other hand, if I am driving across a long stretch of deserted (and perhaps desert) highway, removing my clothes improves my comfort (no air conditioning) and, depending on my departure and/or destinations can be more convienent as well. This strategy seems to mesh well with putting my naked driving in locations where getting caught is not a big issue as well.
There are some that like to drive naked for the thrill of it, and of course it can be thrilling, but the motive is focused on the thrill of doing something that perhaps one ought not to do. I just don't see a lot of fun in hopping down to the home depot five miles away and then having to slip on my shorts in the usually busy parking lot without looking conspicous. I'll take a day without clothes where driving is a part of the activities anytime over trying to rack up naked miles.
To each their own though.