Additional website features

so i am checking out this webiste and comparing it with others that are similar. it seems pretty well designed. However it is lacking some key points that make other sites more user friendly.
I am wondering how many other people on this website would enjoy the benefit of additional search criteria ? Many other sites have far more search criteria and it makesit a lot easier to connect with the type of people you are looking for.All the criteria that is listed on the left side of a profile after you click on the profile ..should also be iavailable in the search criteria..It only makes sense to have this. Right now in search criteria..there is age,sex, username, and area. However, What about additional 'key word', 'religion', 'willing to relocate', 'orientation' criteria...
For example..if you wanted to look for a nudist that liked to do certain things you could type in that thing in the 'keyword' search box and find people who liked to do that because that word would be in their profile description.i would also think that from a technical aspect it would be fairly simple to implement. If anyone else feels that this type of addition would be helpful please add to this and perhaps the website developers could implement it.

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RE: Additional website features

We've been asking for a search feature almost since the sites inception.

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RE: Additional website features

How about filling out your profile. That doesn't take any action by the owner. Your first post and all you do is complain. If you have a ton of money to donate, give it to TT!. I'm sure he'll make the changes that you recommend.

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RE: Additional website features

Great reply Desert Rat

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RE: Additional website features

How about filling out your profile. That doesn't take any action by the owner. Your first post and all you do is complain. If you have a ton of money to donate, give it to TT!. I'm sure he'll make the changes that you recommend.
That is a good point, what good would be a keyword search when so many on here have blank profiles.

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RE: Additional website features

The software is clunky. That was one thing I enjoyed about Skinbook (RIP). It was much easier to keep track of friends, discussions, and just about everything. I'm afraid TT1 is too invested into this system to ever change it, though. So we adapt.

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RE: Additional website features

adding a search for the area you live in would be nice , instead of just the state

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RE: Additional website features

the member search search is suposed to find members in vicinity to your zip code, but it needs some tune up as places on the other side of the world aren't anywhere near my neck of the woods.

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