How to explain nudism to a non-nudist ?

Hi I'm new in nudist and I need to explain it to some peaple but I dont't have any idea that how can I do it ?
do you know what is the best way to explain nudism and how to remove sexual misunderstanding from their mind ?

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RE: How to explain nudism to a non-nudist ?

First thought ... Why do you have to explain it to anyone ? But if you have to ... just say "Hey ... it feels good to ME "
Second ... I think most peoplewould love to enjoy the feeling of being nude. Everyone is nude at some point during the day.

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RE: How to explain nudism to a non-nudist ?

when I was writing my topic at first I thought to myself the first person will asking me "WHY YOU WANT TO EXPLAIN IT TO SOME ONe ?" :D
But what if he was eagerto know ?

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RE: How to explain nudism to a non-nudist ?

the best things in life r done naked what ever floats your boat.

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RE: How to explain nudism to a non-nudist ?

Ask your friend why he/she wears what he wears? Some older people would feel 'naked' if they went out without a hat!! Does your friend wear jeans or a suit etc. You choose to wear nothing because you feel more comfortable, you only wear clothes when you have to in the same way that I only put a suit and tie on if I have to!!

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RE: How to explain nudism to a non-nudist ?

The simplest way I like to describe nudism is "doing things you would normally do . . . . . just without any clothes".

As far as the sex aspecet, I point out that nudism isn't ABOUT sex. Being human is about sex. And since nudist are humans we're not asexual but it's not the goal or focus of nudism. Various societies have taught us that we have to cover up and so the simple act of revealing out bodies can be arrousing to some. But for the most part people get accustom to the exposed bodies and it ceases to become a focus for visual stimulation.

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RE: How to explain nudism to a non-nudist ?

and nudists/naturists don't hang out in nudist colonies.

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RE: How to explain nudism to a non-nudist ?

OP is located in Malaysia, which is very conservative about nudity in any aspect. That reflects also to people's attitudes, though I have over the years managed to persuade a small number of Malaysian acquaintances to engage in social nudity either in secluded seaside spots or in indoor/garden situations, to an average Malaysian, it is a no-go. Partly also ethnic background influences it, so far I have not met a single Malay in Malaysia (in Indonesia people somewhat more relaxed) whom I even would have proposed social nudity as an option. Et least educated Chinese and Indian people are more open and often informed enough that abroad such people exist and ready to communicate on topic, even if not prepared to be nude themselves.

So all I would advise is to be open when the topic can be brought into conversation, keep the thing strictly on academic/informative level unless the person(s) you communicate with indicate real interest/curiosity towards the lifestyle. Never push it. Also trying to find like-minded people online first and later on meet with them could be an option. If you can say you know 10 like-minded people it is a stronger argument than if you a loner.

Biggest problem is that in MY really pain in the butt to find places to be nude outdoors. Much of the nicer seaside spots far too crowdy, especially when Malaysians to have their own holidays and such places like spas, saunas etc where nudity practice, really do not exist. So in KL area unless own private spot where to be socially nude, only other option would be to rent a place with a pool (that has no outside view, so roof terrace etc only option) and so on, for a private function.

Being a Mat Salleh in Malaysia makes it easier to raise less conventional topics, but a local one needs to tread more carefully, so first better to raise the topic on general terms and only if feedback positive/neutral go over to admitting being a nudist/naturist yourself.
That's about the best I can think about.

Good luck in your efforts!

Aki aka TravelNudie

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RE: How to explain nudism to a non-nudist ?

I usually say that skinny dipping makes a lot more sense that being weighted down by a swimsuit. I also don't like to sit around in a soggy swimsuit, some times sandy. I also detest tanlines.

You can can you're comfortable in your own skin and that's the way yo were born. However, if it's not necessary to explain it, why would you. It's a different story if the person asks.

It makes more sense to do housework clothes-free or eating watermelon or something that could stain or ruin goood clothes. Nudists are generally nude when possible clothed when practical.

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Keep it simple!

I would just keep it simple. Explain why nudism appeals to you.Nudism attracts different people for different reasons. For some people, being without clothes is just fun, for others it's all about body acceptance, for others there's even a spiritual component. Don't attempt to speak for everyone -- just be honest about your own motives. Good luck!

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