so why join a group

so why do you join a group ? to just post a picture, to paricipate orwhat . it amazing how many groups there are on tn and some have over a thousand in the group but no feedback. i have started several and belong to several and it amazes me so little feedback even from the creator of the group so again why do you join a group ? or better yet why even have groups on here.

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RE: so why join a group

Speaking for myself, I am in some groups mainly to "show a flag". On the other hand, if there would be more activity, I'd be happy to contribute to group discussion as well, like I contribute to the forum here. With more specific group interests it makes possible to find like-minded people or target people from specific locations/language groups. That does give certain function even to dysfunctional groups. What I dislike is the myriad of groups as well as usually popular themes having plenty of similar groups. There should be some forced amalgamation of groups that cater to similar interests in order to make the group section more transparent and easy to manage for a regular TN user.

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RE: so why join a group

My question is why join one when you obviously are not part of the group - Women joining mens groups or men joining womens groups, single guys with no interest in kids joining a group for Dads, people over the age of 50 joining a group for young nudist 25 and below(at some point you have to age like it or not) and the list goes on.
I undertstand joining becuase it speaks to who you are but when it does not fit who you are then why join?

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RE: so why join a group

This has been discussed....a lot. People join groups with good intention. However, there is no notification alert that appears on your profile that there is new activity in your group(s). People forget.
Yes I agree, a notification alert would be very welcoming, just as we have with messages.

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so why join a group

I join groups that are of interest to me. If there is no activity in this group...make some. its not just up to the moderator...each member should be a contributor. Put some thought provoking topics out there. try to rally the group...if it doesn't work? It's not my kind of group after all...drop out! and I do agree..I too look at the groups people are in, they speak volumes. lets me know if we have a common interest.

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RE: so why join a group

more often that not trying to spark activity in a dead group is easier said than done. you can start a variety of topics and no one will respond, a few hundred will read what you wrote but they apparently lack the skills needed to respond. it is especially bad when the creator of the group won't even participate in the grouip they started. if you have no intention of being active in your group then don't start it.

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RE: so why join a group

other wise its just no fun :)!!

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RE: so why join a group

so why do you join a group ? to just post a picture, to paricipate orwhat . it amazing how many groups there are on tn and some have over a thousand in the group but no feedback. i have started several and belong to several and it amazes me so little feedback even from the creator of the group so again why do you join a group ? or better yet why even have groups on here.
Speaking of posting pictures, I posted several in groups. They were in my own albums, but only 5 show to most people; these pictures were relevant to the groups in which I posted them, so I figured it was a way to share a bit more.
Every one of them disappeared and was replaced with cyber-gobbledygook.

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