help-anyone seen this sunbathing cool gadget I've seen

We usally sunbath on beaches with sunbeds, or take our own beds.
However, when flying, for the beaches that don't have beds I'd like to
buy one of these cool things I have seen on the beach at Maspolomas.
It's made of tent like material (white-ish), and has a frame around the
edge and a little guys string in each corner. It's essentially a
shallow tray with sloping sides so the sand doesn't blow all over you
and stick to your sun cream. Brilliant.
But I've googled and googled with no success.
Hoping someone may have seen or have one and point me to a vendor?
I've attached a quality artist's (ahem) impression

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  • 13 years ago
RE: help-anyone seen this sunbathing cool gadget I've seen

forgot to say, it's about 8feet square or more, but about a foot high.

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  • 13 years ago
RE: help-anyone seen this sunbathing cool gadget I've seen

I googled "beach camping tents" and found a large variety of all sizes. I also sent you a link to one similar to what YOU described. Good Luck!

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  • 13 years ago