This news story makes me super mad

Children taken away due to action of Walmart employee and supidity of child services.

Wow I'm mad.

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  • 13 years ago
RE: This news story makes me super mad

What part of the story makes you Super mad? The fact that the children were removed from the home, or the fact that the psychologist gave 'real' answers that fall in line with raising kids and nudity?

Her one comment about the fact that she seems to find kids raised in a conservative, restrictive home are more likely to have exhibitionist, or inappropriate behavior issues, is totally supportive and in line with nudism philosophies and body acceptance from a real young age.


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  • 13 years ago
RE: This news story makes me super mad

First of all never, never, never have Walmart process photos that could be even close to showing nudity in children. If you have a picture of a three year old girl without a top on have it processed elsewhere.

Unfortunately there are people in CPS that think all nudity is bad and do not understand how nudists actually live. They shoot first and ask questions later. As nudists we have to stand up and educate them.

I think you will find that the children that become easily traumatized by nudity are the ones whose parents brought them up that way. They were not born with that problem it had to be taught.

"Body shame, like prejudice, is not natural. It is learned from others and benefits no one."

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  • 13 years ago
RE: This news story makes me super mad

It can happen anywhere if one of the social services gets a hold of it. All nudists should use digital cameras!!

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  • 13 years ago
RE: This news story makes me super mad

What part of the story makes you Super mad? The fact that the children were removed from the home, or the fact that the psychologist gave 'real' answers that fall in line with raising kids and nudity? Her one comment about the fact that she seems to find kids raised in a conservative, restrictive home are more likely to have exhibitionist, or inappropriate behavior issues, is totally supportive and in line with nudism philosophies and body acceptance from a real young age.S

Having the kids taken away is ludicrous.

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  • 13 years ago
RE: This news story makes me super mad

While I am completely amazed that child services actually took the children away from their home and parents for a month for innocent photos of bath time is complete ridiculous, I applaud that the story at least tried (not very well, but OK) talk about nudity in the home. It's a shame that a puritan at Walmart and other puritans at child services felt such a strong reaction to what seems to be very innocent photos.
I would guess alot more parents will not be having the old time picture of the kid naked on a bear skin rug.

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  • 13 years ago
RE: This news story makes me super mad

I'm surprised that you're just hearing about this story. It happened a few years ago in Peoria AZ and was widely reported. Peoria is a neighboring city of Phoenix and we had ongoing news reports on this story. Most of the major parts of the story were picked up nationally. In Arizona Child Protective Services, CPS, has a long history of making boneheaded decisions. Unfortunately most of their wrong decisions involve leaving a child in a home where a real danger exists. This has resulted in several dead and many maimed children. All efforts to investigate this corrupt organization have been met with claims of privacy requirements. There is something very rotten at CPS and the whole department needs to be disbanded. I hope these people win their lawsuit but this piece did not mention if CPS was also a defendant in the lawsuit.

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  • 13 years ago
RE: This news story makes me super mad

Any updates on how this turned out? Were they sued. Is the CPS still in place. There is one screwball heading that up.

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  • 13 years ago
RE: This news story makes me super mad

Ah the hypocracy of Walmart. Next time you go to Walmart see if they have this album in their music department.
Walmart is violating their own policies if they do. I see they pulled this album off their website so it may not be available in stores anymore.

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  • 13 years ago
RE: This news story makes me super mad taken away due to action of Walmart employee and supidity of child services.Wow I'm mad.Can you give us an update on this case?

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  • 13 years ago
RE: This news story makes me super mad

Im gonna get nuked for this but I fell it should be out there. DESPITE the fact that the Wally world employee violated the customers privacy by looking at the photos, barring that...they saw something out of their norm, it involved children so they reported it. In my job, I err on the side of caution and triple check anything having to do with kids. Heck, I had a purse turned into me, found on the side of the road, inside was a 14 years olds ID card and a POSITIVE pregnancy test. I called Dad, not her and just gave him the purse, open so he could inventory it. He already knew, and there was already charges filed. Sorry to say, as nudists we have to be extra "clean" when it comes to anything dealing with kids.Then explain why does Walmart sell products that has videos of nude kids in them if they are so concerned about this issue. This DVD has a scene with a 5 and 3 year old dipping in a mountain stream.

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  • 13 years ago