Guys at beach nude volleyball

They seem frisky and touch your bum , is this wrong or am I fussy? I guess its ok and I like one of them in a hot waybut just womdering ifits normal or not.

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RE: Guys at beach nude volleyball

I would imagine it would depend on how they are touching your bum. Ass slaps are common in sports, as is incidental touching. If it bothers you say something to the individual and I would imagine they would stop and if not, then complain to someone in charge.

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RE: Guys at beach nude volleyball

This is an interesting question. Is there anyplace that lists what the proper etiquette is for nudist places? Is touching, or even PDA's frowned upon? What about guys that can't control their roving eyes and stare? I hope that I'm not being too crude here, LaeLae, but if I was playing nude volleyball with you I probably couldn't help but get aroused, and that would be uncomfortable for everyone. Just one more reason for me to stay at home, I guess.

The best rule of thumb is to let common sense prevail. Textile or nudist, ask yourself these questions. Is it polite to stare at someone? Is it ok to touch someone in a familar way uninvited? The answer to these questions is NO, so don't do it in a nudist environment.

Many men worry about betting excited, however I would say the vast majority of them don't when they are in a nudist environment. Don't make assumptions about how you would react in a social nudist setting, because chances are it won't be as bad as what you are thinking. Give it a go mate, you probably won't be disappointed.

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RE: Guys at beach nude volleyball

I dont see them slap anyone , its jut that two guys on different days slided their hand on my bum. Its like they are sexual but its on the cheeks so I didnt say anything. I don't like being mean etc

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RE: Guys at beach nude volleyball

This is an interesting question. Is there anyplace that lists what the proper etiquette is for nudist places? Is touching, or even PDA's frowned upon? What about guys that can't control their roving eyes and stare? I hope that I'm not being too crude here, LaeLae, but if I was playing nude volleyball with you I probably couldn't help but get aroused, and that would be uncomfortable for everyone. Just one more reason for me to stay at home, I guess.
guys look pretty with erections i think lol

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RE: Guys at beach nude volleyball

This is an interesting question. Is there anyplace that lists what the proper etiquette is for nudist places? Is touching, or even PDA's frowned upon? What about guys that can't control their roving eyes and stare? I hope that I'm not being too crude here, LaeLae, but if I was playing nude volleyball with you I probably couldn't help but get aroused, and that would be uncomfortable for everyone. Just one more reason for me to stay at home, I guess.
guys look pretty with erections i think lol

And in private that's fine, in public not acceptable.

Okay, guys, at what point do we decide this thread is a come-on and stop posting to it?


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RE: Guys at beach nude volleyball

This is an interesting question. Is there anyplace that lists what the proper etiquette is for nudist places? Is touching, or even PDA's frowned upon? What about guys that can't control their roving eyes and stare? I hope that I'm not being too crude here, LaeLae, but if I was playing nude volleyball with you I probably couldn't help but get aroused, and that would be uncomfortable for everyone. Just one more reason for me to stay at home, I guess.
guys look pretty with erections i think lol

And in private that's fine, in public not acceptable.

Okay, guys, at what point do we decide this thread is a come-on and stop posting to it?


Well, first of all her profile says she's 18. At that age hormones are raging and if guys are around the same age range then they're aching for some human touch of the opposite sex...if that's their attraction. They just don't know the boundries. Or are pushing the boundries a bit much. She needs to set the guys straight as to what's acceptable.
Many women enjoy seeing erections, but this is probably not the place to be broadcasting it since this is a non-sexual nudist site. Give her the benefit of the doubt and say she's new to the game. Just save it for the private messages.

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RE: Guys at beach nude volleyball

I dont see them slap anyone , its jut that two guys on different days slided their hand on my bum. Its like they are sexual but its on the cheeks so I didnt say anything. I don't like being mean etc
That behavior is inappropriate. If there is a mutual attraction it needs to be taken to a more private setting.

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RE: Guys at beach nude volleyball

sorry, anyway i won't go to the volleyball now my bf said its the men are not good. Sorry for being rude about the erections, thanks for advice

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RE: Guys at beach nude volleyball

sorry, anyway i won't go to the volleyball now my bf said its the men are not good. Sorry for being rude about the erections, thanks for advice

I wouldn't worry too much about the erection comment. However, I wouldn't stop going to Volleyball because of a couple of guys getting all touchy feely. When/if it happens again, just tell them not to do it anymore. Most men will stop when asked amazingly enough. lol

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RE: Guys at beach nude volleyball

sorry, anyway i won't go to the volleyball now my bf said its the men are not good. Sorry for being rude about the erections, thanks for advice

I wouldn't worry too much about the erection comment. However, I wouldn't stop going to Volleyball because of a couple of guys getting all touchy feely. When/if it happens again, just tell them not to do it anymore. Most men will stop when asked amazingly enough. lol
I feel rude talking tough;it feels like i'm being rude so thats a bit hard to do; Anyways i can play it with girls ORin bikinis =)

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