Vita Nuda Mid-Atlantic opens its doors!

Vita Nuda was established in 2007 as an organization for young adults interested in nudsm. We have finally opened up in the Mid-Atlantic region, which includes VA, WV, MD, DC, DE, PA, and NJ. We are hosting our first event tomorrow, Sunday May 6th, in Rockville, MD. Our age limit is 30, however if you are a couple and only one of you fits in the age criteria, you are both welcome!
Seth and Michelle

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  • 13 years ago
RE: Vita Nuda Mid-Atlantic opens its doors!

What happens when someone joins and then turns 30? Are they asked to find a different place with which to affiliate?

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  • 13 years ago
RE: Vita Nuda Mid-Atlantic opens its doors!

There is something fundamentally wrong with this premise. It's fine to target your marketing towards a particular demographic, but to actually exclude those above a certain age is morally wrong, not to mention possibly suicidal business-wise. This almost smells of something else.

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  • 13 years ago
RE: Vita Nuda Mid-Atlantic opens its doors!

If you 'age out' you are still in the group, it is just for initial membership.

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  • 13 years ago
RE: Vita Nuda Mid-Atlantic opens its doors!

There is something fundamentally wrong with this premise. It's fine to target your marketing towards a particular demographic, but to actually exclude those above a certain age is morally wrong, not to mention possibly suicidal business-wise. This almost smells of something else.What isimmoralabout it? The whole point of the group is to keep people of the same generation together. Many young adult nudists go to resorts or events and are turned off because they are the youngest by decades, not because of the view or anything of that nature, but because there is no one who relates to them.
Regarding it being suicidal business-wise, we aren't a business but actually a part of AANR as a way to introduce the nudist lifestyle to a new generation. Vita Nuda was originally the AANR young ambassadors program. We have no dues and only charge money for events that cost us.
Regarding smelling of something else, I assume you mean it is something sexual in nature, which is completely inaccurate. Sexual behavior or even things close to it are prohibited and will cause someone to be kicked out. Although this chapter is new, I have seen it happen at other events.

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  • 13 years ago
RE: Vita Nuda Mid-Atlantic opens its doors!

Good luck with your group, Sandshell! Even thought I'm 52, I support what you're doing and wish that I had known or there had been groups like this when I was that age.I think you're doing a great service by creating an organization that brings like-minded and similar individuals together.

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  • 13 years ago
RE: Vita Nuda Mid-Atlantic opens its doors!

What isimmoralabout it? The whole point of the group is to keep people of the same generation together.You're missing the point. Nudism is struggling enough in these times without excluding people based on their age, or anything else beyond their control. It should be character-based only. Keeping membership open to people of all ages won't limit young people from joining your group, as I said before, market the hell out of attracting them. But to exclude people ONLY because of their age is wrong any way you look at it. It also tarnishes nudism's image overall, giving the un-informed the impression that nudism is indeed only for the young and beautiful.

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  • 13 years ago
RE: Vita Nuda Mid-Atlantic opens its doors!

What isimmoralabout it? The whole point of the group is to keep people of the same generation together.You're missing the point. Nudism is struggling enough in these times without excluding people based on their age, or anything else beyond their control. It should be character-based only. Keeping membership open to people of all ages won't limit young people from joining your group, as I said before, market the hell out of attracting them. But to exclude people ONLY because of their age is wrong any way you look at it. It also tarnishes nudism's image overall, giving the un-informed the impression that nudism is indeed only for the young and beautiful.
Say what you will, but the Vita Nuda event in Florida last month had 250 people, about 100 of which were first timers and somewhere in the double digits signed up for AANR on the spot. Nudism is aging out and a new generation is needed to keep it alive. I have seen other groups that do exactly what you are talking about and there are always older men creeping around freaking everyone out until eventually it all becomes that cohort and virtually no one who was initially targeted shows up.

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  • 13 years ago
RE: Vita Nuda Mid-Atlantic opens its doors!

Good luck with your group, Sandshell! Even thought I'm 52, I support what you're doing and wish that I had known or there had been groups like this when I was that age.I think you're doing a great service by creating an organization that brings like-minded and similar individuals together.Thanks!

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  • 13 years ago
RE: Vita Nuda Mid-Atlantic opens its doors!

there is nothing wrong with having a club or group for younger nudists/naturists. if someone over the age of 30 wants to join a club or group they have endless lists to choose from. it seems that many other clubs and/or orginazations aren't doing much to attract the younger generation to keep nudism alive and prospering so why not the younger generation take it upon themselves.

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  • 13 years ago
RE: Vita Nuda Mid-Atlantic opens its doors!

there is nothing wrong with having a club or group for younger nudists/naturists. if someone over the age of 30 wants to join a club or group they have endless lists to choose from. it seems that many other clubs and/or orginazations aren't doing much to attract the younger generation to keep nudism alive and prospering so why not the younger generation take it upon themselves.You're missing the point as well. Isn't nudism about inclusion? That's what I'm constantly reading in so many threads on this forum. The criteria for acceptance into any nudist club, landed or otherwise, is supposed to be people of sound character, not their birthdate. I agree that more young people are needed to keep organized nudism alive and thriving, but this isn't the way to do it. At 54, I suppose I'm one of those "older" men SandShell refers to that creep young ladies out...even though my wife and I were still in our 20's when we visited our first camp. Jaydog, if you think this is a good idea that's fine, but don't bitch if you're denied access to any other nudist camp because you're single. You can't have it both ways.

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  • 13 years ago