RE: What motivates girls to become nude?

I dont go to nude beaches but i like going to regular beaches in bikinis and then during sunbaking i just take off my bottoms and nobody arrests me its fun and liberates me

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  • 15 years ago
RE: What motivates girls to become nude?

I enjoy being nude, enjoy sunning nude, swimming nude, hot tubbing nude (most nights) and being around other nude people, both men and women. I know my husband likes being nude with me. It is a sense of freedom and naturalness and I have always enjoyed it.

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  • 15 years ago
RE: What motivates women to be nudists

I agree 100% with jmokes quoted below.
"3. Give up on the current cliches, maybe we need to throw out "Nudist" and "Naturist" for something else, like "natural sunbathing", or something that reaches women and young people together.....Ideas????"
When my somewhat conservative neighbors found that I had participated in "the Record Skinny Dip" on July 11 they thought it was cool. Had they known that I had been at the same nudist club just two weeks prior, they might have been shocked. Skinny Dip has always implied a fun, innocent experiencewhile nudism has been misunderstood as immoral, cultish and sexual by the uninformed.
Grin and Bare it

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  • 15 years ago
RE: What motivates women to be nudists

A point brought up earlier...
"Men have more experience being naked in public"
To this statement, I have to simply disagree. Intodays culture, there no longer exists any sort of nudity preference among male culture, that does not exist among female. IMO, male society is moving towards more privacy. Sure you have occasional lockerroom and military nudity, but from discussions with female friends, this is just as common among the female sector as well; sometimes even moreso.
Perhaps we'll see a greater gravitation of females towards nudity in the future.

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  • 15 years ago
RE: What motivates girls to become nude?

I do not think the problem is what motivates us, it is more the problem of what prevents us from becoming nudists. My husband convinced me to try it, not unlike the previous posts suggested. but what was holding me back was basically 2 things;
1 The belief that it is about guys just wanting to look and that it was sexually based. (for those of you guys in the chat that think you have to play as soon as a cam comes on leads validation to this concern)
2 This I think is one of the main reasons that women hesitate or are not drawn into the nudist lifestyle. Society, through it's magazines and commercials portray what women are supposed to look like, most of us do not fit this societal image. It is only later in life that I believe most women decide or mature past this philosophy.
I have been going to nudist resorts and beaches with my husband for about 8 years, but when I gain a few pounds or do not feel good about myself, I do not seek out nudist opportunities. trust me that once I do shed my clothes in the company of good people, my self image is no longer relevant. It is about getting a person there to try it that is the key. Until then society has a larger hold on how we judge ourselves than nudism ever can, unless you are able to bombard the public with commercials and program about the lifestyle, the ignorance will remain.
I have read comments in response to articles about nudism that are basically naive or uneducated assumptions. Education is the key!!!!

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  • 15 years ago
RE: What motivates girls to become nude?

In response to Princedale.......

Your point #1, in fact *is* valid ! I freely admit as a fully functional normal male, I do particularly enjoy seeing nude women ! I'm not dead !
That it's sexually based, strictly speaking, is true. I enjoy seeing women largely because they ARE women ! How can that NOT be sexual to a certain extent. That it's a purient interest would be wrong. It's merely a deep appreciation for one of the best ideas God ever had ! Age is irrelevant, as are a number of other things one might think were a factor, but are not.

Your point #2, the body image thing.
Methinks that's also valid. Society does depict the "perfect" woman as being the minimum acceptable standard all too often, when it is not.
Very young girls don't care, as we see them scampering about at resorts, and neither do older women ( and/or men ) when we reach the point in life where we just don't really care WHAT our peers think of our appearance. It's the middle ground that's the biggest problem, when young women think that any single hair out of place is a disaster. Of course, after about 1 visit, maybe 15 minutes at a resort we all learn that it's also completely irrelevant, and only the perverts care, or notice.
True, "middle aged" women ( and to a lesser extent, men ) have some degree of self consiousness about body image at first, but it's truly an extension of the social aspects of the textile world, where woman are in constant, and sometimes fierce competition with each other to be better looking. ( to istinctively be the best they can be, and attract a suitable mate ) We see it in clothing, jewelry, hair styles, makeup, everything, and largely unimportant to men. We even see it at resorts with jewlery, the various sarongs so prevelant in a "nude" environment, especially in the evenings., makeup, and such. It puzzles me that "nude" is far too often NOT nude at all, even when it truly doesn't matter one whit to most.
This societal ingraining of the superficially "important" is hard to shake, no matter who you are, or are not. As a result, the women I know, textiles, have severe reservations about being nude in any non-private context based entirely on their perception of the superficial, and quite shallow, perception of what's "important" in appearance, believing that some things are hidden beneath clothing. Well, these things ARE hidden beneath clothing, which inadvertantly creates a focus on what can't be seen. It seems it's only AFTER these things are exposed, be it cellulite, "a few extra pounds" or whatever, that once revealed, and noted, never again noticed, seen, mentioned, or in any way any concern to anyone, that one can accept that when nude, men look women in the eye.
The "undressing with his eyes" thing is a valid concern to most women. Most have a very difficult time accepting that when one can NOT undress her with his eyes, because she's already undressed, that this mystery is revealed, that it becomes what it truly is. Irrelevant. Not only not a big deal, but in fact, no deal at all !
Women by their nature, and by evolutionary design ( which does not even remotely suggest *not* created that way by a higher being ) are the nururing protectors of children. It's SUPPOSED to be that way. Women instinctively seek to protect something, even when there is nothing to be protected, and this can extend to their own self-image and body conciousness.
Men, on the other hand, are the hunters, the gatherers, the risk takers, by evolutionary design. It stands to reason that men will be far, far more willing to take the risk, and strip off in public, even when they intellectually have reservations.
It's instinct, coming from lower brain functions.
It's my opinion that when we recognize this, rather than deny it, and allow for the feelings of aprehension that MUST be more intense in women, allow the patience for the higher brain to overcome the lower brain, and for a woman to learn deep down in her very being that there is no danger. There is nothing to protect, because there is no threat. When we get to that point, there is nothing to prevent a woman from walking naked and proud among others as any man. It seems that once women have overcome this natural apprehension that women, not men, hold onto their new found freedom and aceptance just as fiercly as they at first refused.
To that end, and again IMHO, it *is* up to men to fight the perverts, and eliminate them from the venues, so as to eliminate any validity to the concerns that women have.
Men are ideally suited to this fight, as it's OUR instinct to protect and defend our women, at any and all costs.
When women in general can see and understand that this protection exists, that we will fight on their behalf any challengeas may occure, then women can become as comfortable in a nudist experience as any man, or anyone at all for that matter, as comfortable as the little children who know none of this, and happily scamper through the resorts, and in the textile world as well when young enough, as naked as the day they were born, with not a care or worry for anything. When this can be domnstrated at a lower brian, instinctive level, this "problem" simply ceases to exist.
It's our responsibility, not an option, to make this environment so. As men, to eliminate the cheaters, liers, and the other perverts from the nude venues as soon as they are discovered. If we are not willing to do so, then we surrender our masculinity along with shirking that responsibility.
My opinion. The rambelings of an individual.

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  • 15 years ago
RE: What motivates girls to become nude?

Lot's of good insights, answers and a few accusations levelled.

What's the big deal overall? We've been naked most places we ever find to swim, boat, or just sunbathe. It's not really a matter of avoiding anyone, often I do it without my significant other or some friend that tags along (when I'm on the road travelling...I ask if there's a nude beach nearby or so....most responses are "of course").

It's always best for safety's sake, when crowded areas lesson the threat some, but my preference is secluded areas where there's no overriding problem...for the most part.

On the question of worrying about someone watching me and having sexual thoughts? Of course they're going to have those. Why deny we're human? ALso for me seeing a nearby sun bather growing a hard-on from watching me? It's more a sign of respect I think. WE usually giggle it off. If there's a friendship struck, all the more better.

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  • 15 years ago
RE: What motivates girls to become nude?


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  • 15 years ago
What motivates girls to become nude?

Hi, I think that a major problem for BOTH males and females is body acceptance. But unlike men, women who by and large seem to be of the opinion "what the hell, there is nothing I can do about my size down there" (at least that is my attitude); women seem to be less accepting of this.

As for the clothes optional thing that is a good place to start in my opinion. In my view folks should be left to do things at their own pace in this typ of situation;nothing is more of-putting than having to be told "you have to do this or that" when you are in a social setting.
Someone mentioned earlier about the way people feel the need to conform. I have not had experience of this myself, but one of my friends told me of an incident when she visited Japan. She went to have a sauna and as usual (well it is in Britain) put on her one piece cossy; only to find that everyone else there was totally nude. As a result she felt very uncomfortable, went back to the locker room, stripped off and felt much better when she went back. (As far as I know she is not a naturist/nudist).

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  • 15 years ago
RE: What motivates girls to become nude?

Hello everyone, I have friends that are femael and arent nudists and im wondering how some of the female members in this site get motivated to become nude

Once upon a time, I wanted a better tan. Now I know how foolish it is to risk skin cancer. Nonetheless, it is still comfortable to be nude.

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  • 15 years ago