
Hello ,
I am thinking of getting a circumcision due to a tight foreskin(which tears durning sex )Bit put of by some of the bad things I have read online about circumcision.
If you had it done where would you recommend getting it done ? Has anyone had any problems after it as been done?what is sex like after ? How long does it take to heal ? Is there any other option apart from circumcision?
Thanks. :)

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RE: Circumcision

Thanks for your question...Most of your questions have been answered in "50 and needing to know the process" check out it out should you have any other questions answered feel free to ask the group.

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RE: Circumcision

I was cir'd at age 12 with my dad - who wanted to get himself done, and encouraged me to do it too. He had wanted his son to be like him when I was born - and felt the same way when he was planning to gethimself done. We were done one after the other and were in the same recovery area. We both agreed that we got slightly shorter, but thicker, with the glans definitely more flared. Glad we did it.

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RE: Circumcision

I find this a really interesting subject. I'm in my 50s, and have always been happy with my uncut penis. My foreskin retracts easily, has never given me any pain, and I find it easy to keep clean. I've never had any complaints about it and it has given me lots of pleasure over the years! I have always, and still do, felt it horrible to circumcise small babies/boys - they haven't given their informed consent to being operated on for something which isn't medically necessary.However, having read up on the subject recently, it seems that there is evidence of benefits of circumcision. In some countries there is a clear link between circumcision and a reduction in HIV, and other infections. So maybe there is a reason for adults to be circumcised after all. I've come to thinking that, having spent the first part of my life with an uncut penis, maybe I should get myself cut (I'm told the pain/discomfort isn't too bad and doesn't last too long) and experience the 2nd part of my life as a circumcised man. I quite like the look of my penis when the foreskin is pulled back.I haven't made any firm decision yet. Does anyone else think along similar lines to me?

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RE: Circumcision

I love having a circumcised penis it feels so great and I dont have to worry about infection if something gets caught in the forskin but I have had it done since I was a little kid

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