RE: Cameras at Nudist Locations

When we go to nude beaches and resorts we expect someone has a camera and will take pictures and as long as you realize this is a way of life now, you either accept it or don't go!

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RE: Cameras at Nudist Locations

I have a related problem, but it involves not taking pictures. I use a smartphone which has a camera to conduct business.
Sometimes, i am at my home nudist club during normal business hours and would like to take my phone to the pool, but the club has a (reasonable) rule banning camera equipped phones from the pool area. I respect my fellow club members privacy and would never take pictures with my phone, but I hate being unavailable to my customers and vendors while I am at the club. this is an area where the technology has out ran our rules of behavior.

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RE: Cameras at Nudist Locations

I have a related problem, but it involves not taking pictures. I use a smartphone which has a camera to conduct business.Sometimes, i am at my home nudist club during normal business hours and would like to take my phone to the pool, but the club has a (reasonable) rule banning camera equipped phones from the pool area. I respect my fellow club members privacy and would never take pictures with my phone, but I hate being unavailable to my customers and vendors while I am at the club. this is an area where the technology has out ran our rules of behavior.Well you must have heard the old saying - Don't mix business with pleasure. AND I think it would be a good idea to spend as much time putting some detail into your profile, as you have taken to post on here. With a completely blank profile, people areless likelyto take you seriously.

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RE: Cameras at Nudist Locations

I'm sure no-one, including resort owners, would disagree that photos are a great reminder of good times and most people enjoy their holiday snaps and that taken responsibly there's no problem. However as someone else pointed out these rules are made for the anti social minority and sadly as a result the majority have to suffer. I'm sure the issue is that its hard to regulate what type of pictures someone takes. Especially with point and click digital cameras its so quick to take pictures that if someone is carrying a camera it's impossible to stop them quickly and surreptitiously pointing it at others and taking an unwanted photo. It is much easier to simply ban photography equipment. Sadly this means that 99% of nudists need to suffer to protect us from the undesirable 1% who would use underhand tactics to take illicit pictures.

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RE: Cameras at Nudist Locations

Here is yet another "rule/policy" that is antiquated and needs to be rethought. The younger nudist generation is absolutely clued to their technology. Smart phones, Ipads ... they can't put them down and they are constantly talking pictures of themselves and their friends. We continue to be afraid that some 20 yr old is gonna take a picture of my 60 yr old body and put it on the internet. Guess what ... I beat them to it. Most of us have. One member here was a staunch opponent of cameras at clubs and resorts because someone might but his picture on the internet ... yet in his profile, that is not private, he's posted hundreds of nude photos of himself. That makes a lot of sense. Maybe if the numbers of those that are so adament about not having their pictures "possibly" taken, should either stay home, or confine themselves to a corner of the club or resort where they can scan the grounds for anyone with a phone, camera or Ipad. News Flash ... if you've been nude on a beach, a club or resort ... and you've not found your picture on the internet ... chances are, you weren't worth taking a naked picture of. Maybe that bothers some ... more. ; )

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RE: Cameras at Nudist Locations

Here is yet another "rule/policy" that is antiquated and needs to be rethought. The younger nudist generation is absolutely clued to their technology. Smart phones, Ipads ... they can't put them down and they are constantly talking pictures of themselves and their friends. We continue to be afraid that some 20 yr old is gonna take a picture of my 60 yr old body and put it on the internet. Guess what ... I beat them to it. Most of us have. One member here was a staunch opponent of cameras at clubs and resorts because someone might but his picture on the internet ... yet in his profile, that is not private, he's posted hundreds of nude photos of himself. That makes a lot of sense. Maybe if the numbers of those that are so adament about not having their pictures "possibly" taken, should either stay home, or confine themselves to a corner of the club or resort where they can scan the grounds for anyone with a phone, camera or Ipad. News Flash ... if you've been nude on a beach, a club or resort ... and you've not found your picture on the internet ... chances are, you weren't worth taking a naked picture of. Maybe that bothers some ... more. ; )

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RE: Cameras at Nudist Locations

While at playalinda you will see occasional bird watchers and curious textiles on the crossover with cameras. When I see them I merely play like I'm ignoring and cover up or adjust direction. I also realize that I am at a public setting so I have to somewhat expect it. Funny story: a few weeks ago a fisherman caught a sting ray. He wrestled it in for over an hour. After he landed it you wouldn't believe the number of cameras that came out of beach bags. So don't be fooled that there isn't cameras around but be thankful that most nudists respect each other to not photo each other.

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RE: Cameras at Nudist Locations

Nudists who are worried about being seen because they are ashamed of their lifestyle should stay away from public places. They are pereventing nudism from being accepted as a normal and natural way of life.

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RE: Cameras at Nudist Locations

Not only is it more difficult to police the 'no camera' ban, it is more difficult to *comply* with the ban. It's not unreasonable to want to take an iPad to read next to the pool, but iPad's come with cameras.My local club bans phones around the park due to the no photo ban, but more and more devices come with built in cameras.No matter what the rules, at least we'll never be subjected to a strip search :-)

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RE: Cameras at Nudist Locations

I actually wouldn't mind having a manditory strip search included in airport security....since most airports won't/can't designate themselves as officially clothing optional. Same goes with whatever security major harbors have. Anyone know if it's possible to find a 'dumb' cellphone anywhere nowadays? (one without a camera and/or internet compatability)

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