RE: Driving in the Nude

When I went to school I was about two hours away from Mazo beach in Wisconsin. I would regularly drive to and from nude. When I got to my dorm (which was all male) I would put a towel on in the parking lot and then remove it once inside. I did this for two summers.

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driving naked

We have driven to and from our nudist resort [ Mira Vista] naked a few times and have traveled back and forth across the country in our motor home naked.

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RE: Driving in the Nude

Has anyone driven a vehicle in the Nude, how far did you drive, was it daylight or nighttime. etc.
Actually did this today, I went up to a place called Jewel Basin which is about 7 miles up to about 4,000 ft elev and just a gravel road. Was really awesome to feel the cool breeze in the cab of my pickup. Also was very nice driving back down, then taking the Foothills Rd to my house. Didn't put my shorts back on until in my driveway.
Great way to spend a Saturday

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RE: Driving in the Nude

I once drove 20 miles on the highway nude commming back from South Beach. It was very exciting.

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Nude driving

Leaving a nude get together this past July, I said my good byes and my thanks to the host and went to get into my SUV. I realized as I started to get in that I was still naked. I thought so what and put my towel in the seat and got in nude. It was a about a 75 mile drive mostly Interstate highways. It was great I felt so free and relaxed. I was able to drive all the way and pull into my garage when I got home. Looking forward to doing it again.

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RE: Nude driving

Drove home tonight in the nude, about 18 miles itsure did feel good..

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RE: Nude driving

Last weekend I drove 345 miles non-stop from NC to MD fully nude the whole way... it was fantastic in every sense of the word. Tonight I went for a 55 mile drive in the buff, just because it felt so good last weekend and I wanted that sensation again. If any of you have not tried it, I highly recommend it!

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RE: Nude driving

Maybe somewhere in another dimension there is a safe place to drive nude, but the more I read here, the less safe it sounds to go nude on the road.

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RE: Nude driving

Generally I only do it when I'm on my way to a nudist destination: that I way I get to begin the pleasure of being naked just that much earlier. There's nothing quite like already being naked when checking in! And usually I can't get my clothes off fast enough.
But 'tis true: ya gotta be careful. I wouldn't expect highway patrol to have much sense of humor about this. I keep a cover-up handy, even when noone else is on the road. And I try to drive very safely ...
Hey, maybe we'd be a safer country if everybody drove naked!

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RE: Nude driving

So far, only inside a nude area, but it was a semi-thrill.

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