RE: Not a TrueNudist?

Are we a nudist site? yes. Are we here to redefine nudism? NO.
Are we here to help naked people become nudists? yes. Are those naked people here to learn? possibly, most I would hope so. Can they learn by reading the threads and comments in the Forums? Do they bother to read and learn before making that 1st post? Mostly they don't!
Nudism is not about sex and until you grasp that fact, then sorry, you are just another naked person on a nudist website.

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RE: Not a TrueNudist?

So the plan is to lump people trying to learn and pervs all together?That's crazy too me. Educate don't beat people down.

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RE: Not a TrueNudist?

So the plan is to lump people trying to learn and pervs all together?That's crazy too me. Educate don't beat people down.Insightful

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RE: Not a TrueNudist?

It's unfortunate that the loudest voices here are so quick to condemn and judge.

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RE: Not a TrueNudist?

perhaps the silent (majority?) should speak up.

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RE: Not a TrueNudist?

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.

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RE: Not a TrueNudist?

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink.MOW, you don't give people a chance before you slap them down.I see very little difference between yours (and a few others) actions and the fake accounts and trolls.

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RE: Not a TrueNudist?

Very well put, Evan.

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RE: Not a TrueNudist?

Okay, I very rarely post on this site, shoot I rarely come here despite being certified... I have other things I like to do rather than be on social sites like this, you'll see why below.
This may seem very strange to some of you, a lot of you "die-hards" will scoff and try to discredit my genuineness after reading the following, but here it is: I am a nudist, I am also an introvert. Many people say they know what it is to be an introvert -- many people think an introvert can be "cured" by being more social and getting out more so they become an extrovert like them, well those people are wrong. I enjoy my solitude, when I get lonely I will seek the company of one or two close individuals be it online or in the real world; however, being around crowds of more than two people is very uncomfortable for me, I just cannot deal with it whether they are socially engaging me or not and in these situations I just get real quiet and try go off on my own (or stray to the outer edges of the room, away from the crowd) so I'm more comfortable. So when I come to sites like this, sites where nudists gather and discuss whatever is on their minds, it makes me sick to see these ignorant types who make the bold claim that unless I am active in the forums / in the chat room / out at nudist resorts and beaches I cannot be a "True Nudist". The fact that I have been an in-home nudist since age 14 (I am 21 now), with no real intention of getting nude with anybody anytime soon due to many reasons, means I cannot be a "True Nudist" according to you.
I'm not trying to say everyone in this thread is wrong about everything, I'm just saying we are not all social butterflies like some of you. So please stop saying things like "if you have never done anything social while nude, be it a resort, beach, private party, then your not a nudist.". The point of being a nudist is to comfortably go about your days in the nude when time permits, not going out to see, and be seen, by others. Let me make a silly comparison... I am not a gamer, because I do not go to gaming conventions. Silly, right? Despite playing games since age 5-7 I am not a gamer according to your logic, nice.
As for the real purpose of this thread, I think anybody that likes to hang out in the nude be it alone or with others AND can distinguish between nudism and sexual fetishes (exhibitionism / voyeurism) is a nudist. If you cannot make this distinction then you MIGHT not be a "True Nudist". I think many of the new guys asking questions catch a lot of hate not because they are new and asking questions, but because the answers to their questions are already in the forums... they just don't look before posting which I don't blame them really as I personally hate digging through forums because I never seem to find what I am looking for.

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RE: Not a TrueNudist?

Okay, I very rarely post on this site, shoot I rarely come here despite being certified... I have other things I like to do rather than be on social sites like this, you'll see why below. This may seem very strange to some of you, a lot of you "die-hards" will scoff and try to discredit my genuineness after reading the following, but here it is: I am a nudist, I am also an introvert. Many people say they know what it is to be an introvert -- many people think an introvert can be "cured" by being more social and getting out more so they become an extrovert like them, well those people are wrong. I enjoy my solitude, when I get lonely I will seek the company of one or two close individuals be it online or in the real world; however, being around crowds of more than two people is very uncomfortable for me, I just cannot deal with it whether they are socially engaging me or not and in these situations I just get real quiet and try go off on my own (or stray to the outer edges of the room, away from the crowd) so I'm more comfortable. So when I come to sites like this, sites where nudists gather and discuss whatever is on their minds, it makes me sick to see these ignorant types who make the bold claim that unless I am active in the forums / in the chat room / out at nudist resorts and beaches I cannot be a "True Nudist". The fact that I have been an in-home nudist since age 14 (I am 21 now), with no real intention of getting nude with anybody anytime soon due to many reasons, means I cannot be a "True Nudist" according to you.I'm not trying to say everyone in this thread is wrong about everything, I'm just saying we are not all social butterflies like some of you. So please stop saying things like "if you have never done anything social while nude, be it a resort, beach, private party, then your not a nudist.". The point of being a nudist is to comfortably go about your days in the nude when time permits, not going out to see, and be seen, by others. Let me make a silly comparison... I am not a gamer, because I do not go to gaming conventions. Silly, right? Despite playing games since age 5-7 I am not a gamer according to your logic, nice.As for the real purpose of this thread, I think anybody that likes to hang out in the nude be it alone or with others AND can distinguish between nudism and sexual fetishes (exhibitionism / voyeurism) is a nudist. If you cannot make this distinction then you MIGHT not be a "True Nudist". I think many of the new guys asking questions catch a lot of hate not because they are new and asking questions, but because the answers to their questions are already in the forums... they just don't look before posting which I don't blame them really as I personally hate digging through forums because I never seem to find what I am looking for.You are a private nudist rather than a social nudist since you are who you are IMHO. I have no problem with it

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