What lead you to get into nudism?

Hi everyone,
Social nudity isn't common in Australia, I'd grown up not really knowing about nudists and nudism, but that being naked was only for inside the house and by yourself or with a partner only.
I'm interested to find out what it was that made people experience nudism for the first time, and why you decided it was for you?
I got into it with a prior partner, one hot evening with another couple. when my friend (the woman in the other couple) was complaining about how our partners were able to spend the day in the nude that hot day, we kind of talked ourselves into going topless that night, which quickly became totally nude and we revisited that fairly frequently with that couple, exploring beaches etc. I would get nude, enjoy it and happily do it again, but I couldn't classify myself as a nudist... Then I think that as I became more comfortable within myself, I decided that I didn't really care if people thought it was different, I was happy and that was what mattered.
What are other peoples experiences and thoughts?

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  • 11 years ago
RE: What lead you to get into nudism?

Frankly, I cannot remember any identifying moment - but rather the lingering feeling that I would if the opportunity arose.
It was always a bit of an issue internally, as my upbringing implied that it simply was inappropriate and an unacceptable option.
but there was that lingering feeling, if the location was right - so rare opportunities were taken, the nude swim here, the co beach, the private yard when no one was around. I have slept nude as long as I can remember and both have since we were married. CO beaches were sought out, and the feeling continued.
At home we are regularly naked and always at our pool unless others are over. So more recently and hopefully, better late than never, we have focused on developing our our private paradise, pool and garden. Social nudism does not sit well with my wife.
Will be interested to see how the future evolves

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  • 11 years ago
RE: What lead you to get into nudism?

I was born naked, and have been a nudist ever since ;)

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  • 11 years ago
RE: What lead you to get into nudism?

around age 12 I enjoyed being partly nude outside, even though my friend would not. Never walked around, just sat in the bush and talked. age 14, got nude at a nude beach, but not for long. Few years later, did get nude there, and I did walk around nude(by that time,I could control my erection problems) I have always tried to get nude whenever the opportunity exists, never been to a nudist resort as they have either told me no single males, or double the price because I am single. equallity for all is it? only for the rich! That is what it seems to be. So, for now, I just bide my time, and once in a blue moon hit a nudist beach.

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  • 11 years ago
RE: What lead you to get into nudism?

Thanks for your responses everyone, did everyone else notice that it's generally been the same to start with.. Thinking its somehow wrong before realising it's just a body and we all have one?

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  • 11 years ago
RE: What lead you to get into nudism?

For me, it sorta started in high school...Id occasionally sleep naked during hot summer nights. It made me comfortable, and it didnt really extend beyond that. It wasn't until college that I got more into it. After getting back to the dorm from the shower one day, I just decided not to put on clothes. I had the room all to myself and didn't have any classes or anywhere to go that day. I just thought to myself why bother, no one is here and I unwrapped my towel and let myself be free. It felt good, I felt comfortable and free. Since then, every time I had the dorm to myself I was naked. it just felt more comfortable. I then found out about nude beaches and found that there was two hours away from my university. I was curious about it and decided to give it a try. I instantly felt somewhat of a spiritual vibe the moment I stepped in the sand. The whole experience was very liberating and I loved it. I felt more connected to nature and I found myself going back there every so often whenever I needed to unwind, relax and de-stress.
Now that Ive graduated and moved back with my parents, I rarely get to go to that beach anymore, but I do try to go at least a few times a year. I still however get naked every chance I get when no one is home. Its kinda funny when I think about it, this all started cause I was basically too lazy to put on clothes and I'm very glad I decided not to that day.

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  • 11 years ago
RE: What lead you to get into nudism?

For me, I've always loved being nude but I guess my social nude tendencies started to show when I first went to uni. I was always up for a dare and did countless nude runs through the quad or down a random street.
More recently though I discovered the joy of the nude beach and it's even harder to keep my clothes on!

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  • 11 years ago
RE: What lead you to get into nudism?

I always enjoyed being naked since I was little. Just felt natural and normal. I heard of nude beaches was a kid but didn't think much of them. I wanted a place where one could be naked 24/7 if they wished. Then I saw the "nudist colony" scene from "A Shot in the Dark." Although it was a comedic scene, it eventually confirmed my hopes. I wasn't alone. So once I became an adult I joined this site. Unfortunately on account of location, I have not been given the chance to practice social nudity yet.

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  • 11 years ago
RE: What lead you to get into nudism?

It's a long story; but in essence I was a at an outdoor event and a local college student was taking photographs for their course work. Most of us went to their gallery show for support and free buffet #tbt. The college was looking for subject for further art courses so I though what the hell and signed up, it was just portrait stuff and a hand cast (don't ask). I basically got talked not to doing some posing for a life drawing class and some follow up photographs; it was then I thought, nobodies even looking or noticing it wasn't a weird thing to be doing. So a rather tentative trip to Leysdown beach and finally there I was naked in public, I have never looked back; although I live 3 million miles away from the nearest beach, so I am rather tentatively trying home nudism, but I am unsure of the law with respect being naked n my back garden.

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  • 11 years ago
RE: What lead you to get into nudism?

Good day all.
It happened two years back.
Before wedding me n my gf (now wife) were home nudist and had thought of going to Cape due Agde to experience how does it feel being nude outdoors.We went there an year after wedding. We had thought that we would not dresses whole time but due to shyness couldn't come out of apartment nude n walking to the beach nearby ( we stayed in naturis quarter). Season was almost over hence we didn't see anyone else nude outside on the street going to beach. We decided let's go to beach dressed. At beach we saw people nude n we felt comfortable n took off our dresses n were nude first time outdoors. And Wow we loved the feeling.We didn't want to get dressed again n later walked back to our apartment in nude. In the way we went to the supermarket n restaurant nude too.Being nude outdoors was really great.Next day onwards we didn't care if anyone nude or not, it is naturis Quarter n we can be nude so went nude from apartment always.
And living outdoors it since then. Hopefully this year or next summers going Cape due Agde again.

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  • 11 years ago
RE: What lead you to get into nudism?

I discovered that sleeping in the nude was much more restful than wearing textiles and partially from my ex wife. After our children were born she had no problems with being nude in front of the children if they just walked into our bedroom whereas I was the more prudish one. Now whenever I get the chance I remain unclothed at home and visited my first nudist campgrounds last year. I'm hoping to get out to more this year.
Edit: I just remembered another thing that may have lead me to here. When I was stationed in California for my training we were learning to drive 5 ton trucks for my MOS. One day the SNCO's took out out to some cliff over looking a beach we'd never been to before. It turned out it was a nude beach and all the SNCO's had their looking glasses along with them. That was my first every introduction to a nude beach and since then I've been wanting to go to one.

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  • 11 years ago