RE: Driving in the Nude

Just came across this post and had to reply.I have been driving nude from NYC to The Berkshires and back for years, also other places as well. I was once stopped in New Ashford, MA by a trooper at night because I did not turn my Bright's off fast enough. When he came to the door I had a garbage bag with my clothes in it covering myself. He asked me if I usually drove around with a bag in my lap and I replied to him that no, I had been in a chemical accident and when the hospital had discharged me in NYC, I only had a paper gown and that had fallen apart from sweat. He asked me where I was going and I said to a friends house since I was past the address on my license so he could give me a change of clothes. Told him the clothes in the bag had the chemicals still in them and had to be washed first. He bought and let me go. But all the other times I had no problems, even driving thru Manhattan in traffic. I once drove to a bank about 1 AM and got out and went to the ATM inside the branch and took money out. What a thrill and never heard anything from the bank about it if someone checked the camera feed which most likely is taped over again after a couple of weeks if there hadn't been any issues.

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RE: Driving in the Nude

I have done this once so far. When I was driving back from Aberdeen to Edinburgh (BTW it was in Scotland), the weather report stated that the temperature was going to be 22deg C at my destination. Current temp when I left was 15deg C.
So I said that if the temperature did in fact reach 22deg C, I would strip off. Well sure enough, it did heat up to the stated temperature and I did strip off for around the last 25miles or so.
I started off being worried about who would see but looking across at other cars, the most that could be seen was from the chest up so I could have just taken my shirt off but only I knew differently. After that observation, it was very relaxing and enjoyable.
When I arrived at my home, I did put on a skirt(!), - yes I am a bloke - to go into the house.

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RE: Driving in the Nude

When I arrived at my home, I did put on a skirt(!), - yes I am a bloke - to go into the house.
I'venever put on a skirt,but Ihave taken many off,hehe,,
I am really thinking of getting one,it must be the nearest thing to being nude,with the feeling of freedom.

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RE: Driving in the Nude

Hi Flyhigh2609,
I do agree with you that there is nothing like it than driving in the nude when the weather is hot and sunny. What a great feeling being able to be totally nude and smooth behind the wheel. I like doing it whenever I can. Stay NUDE and SMOOTH buddy!
A true smooth nudist,

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RE: Driving in the Nude

I'venever put on a skirt,but Ihave taken many off,hehe,,I am really thinking of getting one,it must be the nearest thing to being nude,with the feeling of freedom.The feeling of freedom is wonderful in a skirt - and a lot more comfortable than short trousers regardless of length! If you or anyone is interested in trying skirts, you could lookin on the website (which is not a cross-drsssing site - heaven knows there are a lot of them about)

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RE: Nude Driving

I drove in the nude a few weeks ago! I started in Ottumwa,Iowa around 5:30 am and stayed nude until my first fuel stop around the Chicago area at 10:00 am. I again unclothed myself and stayed well into Michigan! I love being a free spirit!

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RE: Driving in the Nude

Yesterday on the way from work and going for a few holes of golf. Approx 22miles along the Motorway between Glasgow and Edinburgh (around half the distance between the two cities), even went round a part of the bypass naked!

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RE: Driving in the Nude

My next car is going to have tinted windows.

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RE: Driving in the Nude

My next car is going to have tinted windows.
The UK law states that the two front side windows, i.e. the windows either side of the drivers head, must have a VLT (visable light transmition) of ]70%. That means that at least 70% of light must pass through. Most modern car windows are made of glass with a 80-70% VLT, so even a very light film applied to the front windows will take the VLT the wrong side of 70% and therefore will not be legal.
All windows behind the driver have no such law applying to them so you can have any tint you want.

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RE: Driving in the Nude

I drive nude a lot in the summer and on long trips even when it is cold. 1100 miles of a 1250 mile trip last month for example, and several short hops just last week. But I live in a rural area with low traffic 2 lane roads so local trips to nude hiking and swimming is straightforward. I manage expressways in cities too but at a point it becomes a distrction to keep track of passing schoolbuses, etc. I keep shorts next to me for quick cover. I find it infinitely more comfortable, especially as re body temp, also keeps me more alert. The only discomfort is that icky feeling of HAVINGto dress for gassing up. I know of guys who have stayed naked for that too but haven't figured that out (yet).
Staying as bare as I can, Al

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