People with piercings

Ihave had my scrotum pierced for a number of years now and still love the look and feel are there any others with piercings just adds to the feeling of freedom to decorate and be comfortable naked any where

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  • 11 years ago
RE: People with piercings

Ihave had my scrotum pierced for a number of years now and still love the look and feel are there any others with piercings just adds to the feeling of freedom to decorate and be comfortable naked any where

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  • 11 years ago
RE: People with piercings

What ever an adult decides to do to their own body should be of no concern to other people.If the modifications in some real way effect others, that is the exception.

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  • 11 years ago
RE: People with piercings

What ever an adult decides to do to their own body should be of no concern to other people.If the modifications in some real way effect others, that is the exception.i agree, isince becoming a nudist i seen a lot of people with piercings all over themselves including the penis and other areas, now i am never going to do that doesn't mean that it wrong or taboo for others if they wish to have it,still some i seen just makes me wince in pain when i see them, I give them alot of credit cause i am too much of a wimp to do that,

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  • 11 years ago
RE: People with piercings

Once when at Desert Sun (back when it was Desert Shadows), we shared a hot tub with a woman who had pierced nipples. After she left, I said, "I don't know about you guys, but the words PIERCED NIPPLES hurts just to say!" Everyone heartily agreed!

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  • 11 years ago
RE: People with piercings

i have several piercings, though all the current ones are from the neck up. some i have done myself and others were proffesionaly done. nipples and genitals were not on my list and probably never will be. i have known many with such mods and they were brought much joy by their jewelry, much as i have with mine. my piercings are a part of my identity through my out ward appearance they are a purposeful adaptation to the natural appearance i have. much like tattoos of some. they are also addictave in some ways . theres a lot of excitement and a natural high that acompanies a new peircing. all of mine have been done after years of thought into how my appearance would change. another thought to my peircing was that i can and do remove them when i do not desire them. i an one of the lucky ones who can keep peircings without having to wear them at all times. i enjoy them and probably always will. they are not my only textile decorations, though. i do wear bracelets and anklets while nude to alter my appearance as well.

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  • 11 years ago
RE: People with piercings

As nice as a piercing can look the thought of it terrifies me. I'd constantly worry about it getting caught and worse still being ripped out which i know does happen to some. It all depends on type of jewellery used and the person wearing it whether it looks tacky or very tasteful and erotic to an extent. The same could be said for tattoos and a few in the right places and nice designs can look great but to many can ruin how beautiful the naked body is. Piercings in intimate places though could be counted as a form of exhibitionism as its draws attention to them areas.for some people you are correct. it can be to show off or gain attention. it can on some occations be due to social pressure to appear cooler too, though i've only witnessed this a few times. most of the time its about expression. and yes, a bad peicist can really botch it up. thats one of the nice things about being able to remove it. and, yes, it can snag. some worse than others. i used to have five in a forearm and removed them cause they got caught on everything. now more than ten years later they have dermal anchors for the same thing. snagging pain, for someone who actually enjoys peircings, is really more of an inconveniance. pain is secondary if even noticed. just remember, peircings can be removed and redone by a better person. thats far more difficult than a tattoo. all my current peircings are in my face. its not so much to draw attention to it as much as it is i think the peircings are pretty. it draws attentiong to the place for those who dont have peircings, it draws attention to the peircing to those who do. we admire the jewelry and placement, the gauge and health of the peircing. you see the body part its on

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  • 11 years ago