RE: Did U Know?

I do not believe that the right click, save as, has been prevented, I am sure you can still do that. That is why I asked about how the pics are protected.
On the website if you right click on photos, it simply says that function not available...or something like that.

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RE: Did U Know?

I do not believe that the right click, save as, has been prevented, I am sure you can still do that. That is why I asked about how the pics are protected.

Yeah, they are.
The "save as" link goes to a default "clear.gif" which is a single pixel blank. It's a coding trick that works for most.
Do that, and you'll save a blank, single pixel gif only.
True, someone like me can ALWAYS get them if so motivated, but I'm hardly typical.

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RE: Did U Know?

Thanks, as I did not go past the right click and seeing the menu to save as, I assumed it would work. As I did not nor want to save any pics, I did not go further than that.
Question answered , thank you.

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RE: Did U Know?

There is NO WAY I'm going to learn this bloody lot !!!!!!!!!!! :-D :-( :-/


@ at
MOB mobile
AFAIK as far as I know
MSG message
AFK away from the keyboard
MYOB mind your own business
ASL age, sex, location
NE1 anyone
ATB all the best
NOYB none of your business
B be
NO1 no one
BAK back at the keyboard
OTOH on the other hand
BBL be back late(r)
OIC oh I see
BCNU be seeing you
PCM please call me
BFN bye for now
PLS please
B4 before
PPL people
BRB be right back
R are
BTW by the way
ROTF(L) rolling on the floor (laughing)
C see
RUOK are you okay?
CUL8R see you later
SIT stay in touch
F2F face to face
SOM1 someone
F2T free to talk
SPK speak
FWIW for what it's worth
TTYL talk to you later
FYI for your information
TX thanks
GAL get a life
U you
GR8 great
WAN2 want to
HAND have a nice day
W/ with
H8 hate
WKND weekend
HSIK how should I know?
WU what's up?
HTH hope this helps
X kiss
IANAL I am not a lawyer, but - (as a disclaimer)
XLNT excellent
IMHO in my humble opinion
XOXOX hugs and kisses
IMO in my opinion
YMMV your mileage may vary (i.e. your experience may differ)
IOW in other words
YR your
JIC just in case
2 to, too
JK just kidding
2DAY today
KIT keep in touch
2MORO tomorrow
KWIM know what I mean
2NITE tonight
L8R later
3SUM threesome
LOL lots of luck / laughing out loud 4 for
LMAO Laughing my arse off
PMPL Peeing my pants laughing


:-) happy (a 'smiley')
:-( unhappy
:-D laughing
:-|| angry
;-) winking; just kidding
:-V shouting
:-* kiss
|-O yawning
:-o surprised
:-Q I don't understand
:-( frowning
:-& tongue-tied
:-c very unhappy
:-X my lips are sealed
X= fngers crossed
:-P sticking one's tongue out
:'-( crying
:-/ sceptical
:-| bored, indifferent
:-Y aside comment

This post was edited
RE: Did U Know?

There is NO WAY I'm going to learn this bloody lot !!!!!!!!!!! :-D :-( :-/ Initialisms @ at MOB mobile AFAIK as far as I know MSG message AFK away from the keyboard MYOB mind your own business ASL age, sex, location NE1 anyone ATB all the best NOYB none of your business B be NO1 no one BAK back at the keyboard OTOH on the other hand BBL be back late(r) OIC oh I see BCNU be seeing you PCM please call me BFN bye for now PLS please B4 before PPL people BRB be right back R are BTW by the way ROTF(L) rolling on the floor (laughing) C see RUOK are you okay? CUL8R see you later SIT stay in touch F2F face to face SOM1 someone F2T free to talk SPK speak FWIW for what it's worth TTYL talk to you later FYI for your information TX thanks GAL get a life U you GR8 great WAN2 want to HAND have a nice day W/ with H8 hate WKND weekend HSIK how should I know? WU what's up? HTH hope this helps X kiss IANAL I am not a lawyer, but - (as a disclaimer) XLNT excellent IMHO in my humble opinion XOXOX hugs and kisses IMO in my opinion YMMV your mileage may vary (i.e. your experience may differ) IOW in other words YR your JIC just in case 2 to, too JK just kidding 2DAY today KIT keep in touch 2MORO tomorrow KWIM know what I mean 2NITE tonight L8R later 3SUM threesome LOL lots of luck / laughing out loud 4 for LMAO Laughing my arse off Emoticons :-) happy (a 'smiley') :-( unhappy :-D laughing :-|| angry ;-) winking; just kidding :-V shouting :-* kiss |-O yawning :-o surprised :-Q I don't understand :-( frowning :-& tongue-tied :-c very unhappy :-X my lips are sealed X= fngers crossed :-P sticking one's tongue out :'-( crying :-/ sceptical :-| bored, indifferent :-Y aside comment

This crap will lead to the downfall of civilization as we know it.

I guess we can agree on something.

This post was edited
RE: Did U Know?

...That there is a group on here that offers tips for navigating this site:
Computer Club and FAQs

This post was edited
RE: Did U Know?

If you've just got here, you may not realise, that now that TT has updated the e-mail notification e-mails, to show -who- has messaged you, the message carries the senders profile pic. This could lead to some awkward questions, if you are checking your mail in the office, and someone walks by. If this is likely to cause a problem. you can turn off these notifications by going to "My Account" Edit, "profile" and uncheck the boxes.

This post was edited
RE: Did U Know?

I use a separate email account for things like this and never check it at work.
Neat solution :)

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I didn't know that. Thanks for the information.

Placement financier

This post was edited
RE: Composing long posts

NudeinMA, that is great help. Thank you!

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