RE: Married Men but here as MALE ONLY profiles

think what you want - you probably aren't far from the truth.

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  • 13 years ago
RE: Married Men but here as MALE ONLY profiles

When I first registered on this site, I registered as male. I later tried to change the designation to couple, but it couldn't be done. I would have had to completely re-register as a new member and lose all of the info on my original site, or else maintain two sites. I didn't want to do that, so I remained with a male designation. Recently things have changed. We can now change our designation to couple and not lose any of our previous information. If this is what happened to you, you can now change it. It is actually simple to do.

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  • 12 years ago
RE: Married Men but here as MALE ONLY profiles

simple answer : I am married with a man !

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  • 12 years ago
RE: Married Men but here as MALE ONLY profiles

I'm nudist but wife is not.

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  • 12 years ago
RE: Married Men but here as MALE ONLY profiles

Anxious to hear from all the MARRIED men out there with non-couple profiles....Mine says male rather than couple because of poor coding on TN.
Every time I try to change my profile to "Couple" and then save the change, it says "kid" isn't allowed in a username. Even though it's in the user name I'm using and "nekkid" is a very common term.

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  • 10 years ago
RE: Married Men but here as MALE ONLY profiles

I think it is perfectly reasonable to list as an individual if the person is here without their other, relationship status is a separate line. I like that they even have the option as I know a few married couples that share a facebook profile and it bugs the crap out of me.

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  • 10 years ago
RE: Married Men but here as MALE ONLY profiles

I was surprised that I never responded to this thread. I fit the topic description for one reason. My wife decided NOT to join in on this endeavor. She's a nudist. She enjoys social nudism but ... she's well aware of these types of forums where people can be whoever they want to be and say whatever they want to say ... without being held accountable ... especially here where there are no moderators.

Social media is a bit scary for many people our age. My wife just retired in June of last year and it's taken her this long to start aFB page. She still doesn't check it very often. She's not 100% in agreement with posting any nude pictures of me or herself, anywhereon the web and I have to check with her first and explain why I'd like to do so. There are many people here I've befriended and when I told them I was married to a nudist woman, but only had pictures of myself, I decided I needed to prove to them I was and ... she was! ;-)
I joined thinking she'd join in after she checked the place out. Like nude venues, I like to check the place out before I ask my wife to join me. When she asked, I was honest. I had my dealings with the site owners a few years ago. Not sure if they are the same site owners but I felt the "truenudists" was nothing more than a soft porn site. The pictures allowed in the Gallery, the pictures allowed on profiles, the comments allowed on many of the pictures ... it wasn't what I wanted for my wife nor did she want to join in after she did take a look around.

So ... yes, I am married. Yes, my wife is a nudist, she knows I'm here, as I am several other websites. She's aware of what this site is like and what this type of nudistsocial media is like and she's no different than many of the good female friends I have here ... most times, they don't want any part of it. I have, what I consider, 3 good female friends here. Those 3 I communicate the most with. I have another on the horizon. They ALL have the same complaint and same question for the guys. Question: why do guys think that just because you're on a nudist site, that you're willing to send nude pictures of yourself to someone you don't know, Why do guys think that just because you're on a nudist site that you'll want to cam chat and if you do decide to ... they want you naked.
Why is it that the guys on nudist websites continually bombard them with friend requests and after they friend some of these guys ... they start making sexual remarks to them via private message, picture comments ... is it any wonder why so many female members have left? One of those good friends was here, then she left, then she returned and within 24 hours ... she was gone again. Out and out rude, disrespectful, sexual comments ... in 24 hours, that she's gone and will not return. Not only a nudist but a young female nudist. So thanks to some of the guys on here and the fact that there is no moderation going on ... we've lost another young nudist, female nudists and a truenudist! (shrug)

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  • 10 years ago
RE: Married Men but here as MALE ONLY profiles

This is not only a problem here, it is a problem at resorts and non-landed clubs. There are a lot of nudist males whose wives will not participate. So what are they to do? They join or attend without their wives. Single males, weather they're married or not, are a problem for all nudist organizations. Wish this wasn't so but those are the facts.

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  • 10 years ago
RE: Married Men but here as MALE ONLY profiles

My wife isn't part of my profile because I have a husband. He's (of course) welcome to make his own profile, but he hasn't. It's not complicated :)

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  • 10 years ago
RE: Married Men but here as MALE ONLY profiles

Now that my wife is more comfortable as a nudist i thought of changing my profile to couple. In order to make that change it says to revoke the cuurrent certification. Sounds a bit exteme to me for such a minor change. So mine will continue to say what it says.

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  • 10 years ago