nudist not exhibitionist
My 2 female friends are being asked to show skin. if that is why people joined a nudist site we feel they are in the wrong place. to us even wanting to be free of clothes and don't see anything wrong with the human body of any shape there is a time and place. as many others on here have said they are not going to have pictures on here with out clothes just so others that may be here just to see others with out. we rather be nude in person with others either at homes or in a clothing optional area, the ladies are not exhibitionist for the whole world to see.maybe in a way all nudist have a little in them butmost that are seem selective as to place, timeand surroundings outside of let's say a resort. as most ladies they do like being admired but not by someone to stare at themand pounding thier sausage. We have agreedwhen we joined this site that there wouldn't be any pictures without clothes. think about it others view what they can and they feel someone they may not want to know thier lifestyle may come accross thier pictures. this could be a big reason they want to keep in doors at home until i take them or someone else takes them to a camp or resort. we don't want to offend anyone and thier lifestyle just want our way to be respected. what if we decide we don't like it here orsome of the people it's not a show me yours and i'll show you mine situation and leave it at that.this may not be the group to add this but what the hay anyplace is a good place to express your opinions. all have a good day. remember the internet can be seen by all...thank you for reading this if you did.
- 10 years ago
Well said, it is a shame that so many are picture hunting and being creepy pervs it makes the good guys look like crap
When it seems like all the good stuff has been said, where is the like button. Lol beautifully said.
- 10 years ago
My 2 female friends are being asked to show skin. if that is why people joined a nudist site we feel they are in the wrong place. to us even wanting to be free of clothes and don't see anything wrong with the human body of any shape there is a time and place. as many others on here have said they are not going to have pictures on here with out clothes just so others that may be here just to see others with out. we rather be nude in person with others either at homes or in a clothing optional area, the ladies are not exhibitionist for the whole world to see.maybe in a way all nudist have a little in them butmost that are seem selective as to place, timeand surroundings outside of let's say a resort. as most ladies they do like being admired but not by someone to stare at themand pounding thier sausage. We have agreedwhen we joined this site that there wouldn't be any pictures without clothes. think about it others view what they can and they feel someone they may not want to know thier lifestyle may come accross thier pictures. this could be a big reason they want to keep in doors at home until i take them or someone else takes them to a camp or resort. we don't want to offend anyone and thier lifestyle just want our way to be respected. what if we decide we don't like it here orsome of the people it's not a show me yours and i'll show you mine situation and leave it at that.this may not be the group to add this but what the hay anyplace is a good place to express your opinions. all have a good day. remember the internet can be seen by all...thank you for reading this if you did.
i forgot to add, it is also felt that if it weren't for the people that just want to look and orjudge more and more people would come out of the home into the fresh air. that is kind of what one of the girls here feels. the girl sitting in the chair. they will talk nudist down or people in the movies down but be the first one to watch in a window or turn the TV to the movie rated r due to nudity.
- 10 years ago
I agree. We must have to take care of the freedom of choice. Clothing is optional and there are many bindings in our society specially for women, there is fear of scandals also. So, We can not pursue any one to show skin but we may request as this is a nudist place.
- 10 years ago
Your point is valid but tell me. Why should we even bother if someone stares. We must understand naturists are in minority and its a new concept. If we try to stop others it will give a wrong message that we have become rude or like arrogant. Nudity is noticeable for non naturist guys out there. Lets focus on our things and forget about others.
My 2 female friends are being asked to show skin. if that is why people joined a nudist site we feel they are in the wrong place. to us even wanting to be free of clothes and don't see anything wrong with the human body of any shape there is a time and place. as many others on here have said they are not going to have pictures on here with out clothes just so others that may be here just to see others with out. we rather be nude in person with others either at homes or in a clothing optional area, the ladies are not exhibitionist for the whole world to see.maybe in a way all nudist have a little in them butmost that are seem selective as to place, timeand surroundings outside of let's say a resort. as most ladies they do like being admired but not by someone to stare at themand pounding thier sausage. We have agreedwhen we joined this site that there wouldn't be any pictures without clothes. think about it others view what they can and they feel someone they may not want to know thier lifestyle may come accross thier pictures. this could be a big reason they want to keep in doors at home until i take them or someone else takes them to a camp or resort. we don't want to offend anyone and thier lifestyle just want our way to be respected. what if we decide we don't like it here orsome of the people it's not a show me yours and i'll show you mine situation and leave it at that.this may not be the group to add this but what the hay anyplace is a good place to express your opinions. all have a good day. remember the internet can be seen by all...thank you for reading this if you did.
- 10 years ago
Abusive language and behavior should not be tolerated.The fastest way to be unfriended by me is to come out of the gate with lewd sexual comments. (Guys get them too.) On the other hand, this a a site for TRUE NUDISTS, so am suspicious of anyone who has no nude photos at all. I choose to not befriend most folks who don't post photos. There has to be something interesting and convincing about your profile or personal message to get over that hurdle. I understand that there are people on the site (men and women) who have sexual motivations for being on TN. I can't easily sort that out for each person, so I try not to worry too much about it, as I like to enjoy life and not worry too much about things I can't change. I do not hang around in the chat rooms however, as they seem kinda creepy with so many people logged on who never say anything. I would rather have a real conversation exchanging messages or on Skype with individuals who I find interesting.
- 10 years ago
I have a very differing opinion. My feeling is that this isn't Facebook. I can post clothed pics there and plenty of other places. So why would I not post nudes where I can? Why would I repress myself in that way? As for people getting some sort of gratification out of your photos, you do realize you don't have to be nude for that, right? A lot of guys will get some enjoyment out of a clothed photo of a pretty woman.
The way I look at it, when people have clothed pics while I have nude, then I feel like it's not even. That I am putting myself out there more than they are and I just don't like that. Worse if they have no photo at all, then I feel like they are one of the perv ones and not really a nudists, or else they think nudism is something to be ashamed of. I got over those fears decades ago and live my life loud and proud. I think it's better for the psyche, better for everyone and better message for our cause in general.
That being said, I don't think anyone should be badgered or bullied over it. I lead by example and hope others will follow instead. :)
- 10 years ago
I know I'm new here, but I wanted to try my two cents into this discussion. Some have a very good reason for not posting nude pictures of themselves here. My wife is a teacher and could get fired if nude pictures of her surfaced somewhere, it is in her morality clause. I don't have that problem, so I have posted a picture of myself. As for people asking to see your female friends unclothed, they are automatically perverts and trolls in my book and should be reported immediately and hopefully banned. I feel it is just wrong to ask for that kind of picture from anyone, male or female. Unfortunately we have to deal with a few bad apples, but I hope it doesn't cause you to leave the site, I for one am hoping to learn from others here and also to forge new friendships that will hopefully someday result in person to person meetings and friendship.
- 10 years ago
Well said, it is a shame that so many are picture hunting and being creepy pervs it makes the good guys look like crap
I agree also, well said. But on the other hand, yes we are all supposedly nudists. You have to take it at your own comfort level and that's just another reason I lend a lot more credence to certified members vs. "creepified" members.
I'm no prude but I find the comments left about member's photos lots of times border on the plain offensive and crude. If a member is nice enough to post a picture it should be complimented without saying "mmmmm, yummy, that's hot, very nice" and other stuff you can think but probably shouldn't say. But then that's a whole different discussion.
- 10 years ago
- My 2 female friends are being asked to show skin. if that is why people joined a nudist site we feel they are in the wrong place. to us even wanting to be free of clothes and don't see anything wrong with the human body of any shape there is a time and place. as many others on here have said they are not going to have pictures on here with out clothes just so others that may be here just to see others with out. we rather be nude in person with others either at homes or in a clothing optional area, the ladies are not exhibitionist for the whole world to see.maybe in a way all nudist have a little in them butmost that are seem selective as to place, timeand surroundings outside of let's say a resort. as most ladies they do like being admired but not by someone to stare at themand pounding thier sausage. We have agreedwhen we joined this site that there wouldn't be any pictures without clothes. think about it others view what they can and they feel someone they may not want to know thier lifestyle may come accross thier pictures. this could be a big reason they want to keep in doors at home until i take them or someone else takes them to a camp or resort. we don't want to offend anyone and thier lifestyle just want our way to be respected. what if we decide we don't like it here orsome of the people it's not a show me yours and i'll show you mine situation and leave it at that.this may not be the group to add this but what the hay anyplace is a good place to express your opinions. all have a good day. remember the internet can be seen by all...thank you for reading this if you did.
.......................ok you don't think you should post nude pics , ppl may recognize you, so you post a clothed pic , makes sense ppl won't recognize your face, really, then they are going to know you claim to be a nudist, I guess you think you can go to a resort and wear swimming trunks cause it is clothing optional, wrong, resorts I have been to, you get near water you better be naked, and a lot of resorts are going to if the weather permits then you are to be fully naked, if you come on a nudist site then why are you ashamed to be nude, and yes the internet is open but TN isn't , do you really believe if someone wants a nude pic of you , they can't get one with out you knowing it at a beach or resort, I for one totally agree , don't send me a fr if you have a pvt profile , for if you aren't serious enough about being a nudist to tell about yourself , then don't waste my time and yours, I befriend anyone who is open , as far as sexual comments please take them to TS , TN's sister site, I am a pd certified member of both sites and have been for months, when I am here I am a full blood nudist, when on the other I am a swinger, never the two shall cross, .................Ruhl
- 10 years ago
It makes me sad to see how many repress themselves and let other people restrict their freedom. As for jobs, well I understand that even less. I would never take a job where I had to live a double life or live by someone else's version of "morality". I don't see society changing as long as there are those who wish to remain secret and run away from who they are. I think that only reinforces the notion that we are doing something "wrong" or "naughty" or sexual. Life is so much better when you can live your life openly and proudly. It really is. It's also what changes hearts and minds. The gay community is a good parallel. If we had not told our stories and showed who we really are, we'd still be meeting in the back alleyways of secret speakeasys. Perceptions on nudity will not change until people are more open about that too.
- 10 years ago