RE: Nude driving

linda and cheri life is full of risk, when i go hiking or boating nudei take a bigger risk because i'm more exposed than a car , when i do drive nude it's usually dusk and not main roads or highways.

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RE: Nude driving

I'm on the side of risk taking. It's not everywhere where someone would try to nail you for being a sexual predator. Some would say: "Uh, got some shorts you can put on buddy?" and you'd get your $30 fine for your busted tail light. Being careful is a prerequisite and really, it's pretty difficult to see anyone's pelvic area from another moving car. Check it out. If you are reasonably cautious when stopped at intersections (ala covering up) then there is very little worry, especially at night. Hopefully, police dispatchers are clever enough to say "and was he doing anything lewd or offensive, mam?" when some idiot phones you in!
I've done it a hundred times and never had a worry. I've even bicycled amajor road in just an open shirt. All depends on where and when.

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RE: Driving in the Nude

I did that once. I drove down rt 460 for about 40 min on my way to White Tail Park. It was fun, and I had no issues. It would have been odd had I been pulled over by the police. Since I was heading to a nudist park, I didn't have to worry about getting dressed at the end of my journey.

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Nude Driving....

Over the holidays I decided to pull me car in the garage and get naked in my car.....I decided not to take any clothes/shoes. I drove into the evening and it was exciting to be naked and to know that I had no B plan with clothes in my car....just naked/barefoot and incredibly feeling good in 'my skin' driving!

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RE: Driving in the Nude

Drove from Tennessee to Arizona, nude most of the way. I was quite liberating.

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RE: Nude driving

Driving nude is a disaster waiting to happen. Grow up.
You will take your mind off safe driving. Subconsciously, you will do dangerous things to avoid being caught naked and arrested. You will die or injure yourself or others, for a goofy thrill.
Your insurance policy will claim you broke your policy by intentional misconduct and deny you coverage for the accident. You will become liable out of your own pocket for the personal injury and property damages you caused. And go broke for the rest of your life. Probably your driver's license will be revoked. Good bye job and house.

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drivin nude

a couple of years ago, i drove over 500 miles nude, unless i had to stop for gas, went across 3 provinces that way. thru many small towns and also thru 3 major cities, totally nude. was so scared, but was a great way to do it. this was during the whole day, with all sorts of cars and trucks beside me. i am not sure if anyone noticed, but no one seemed to mind. lol

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RE: drivin nude

Can't imagine riding a bike nude but have driven nude, twice, different girlfriends but both really enjoyed it. Under cover of the night in the summer when it was hot. The adventurous one was in Melbourne, the other was around the coast so very few cars around. It was quite exhilarating both times for me and the girls reacted similarly. That was many years ago while single. Married with kids makes it a problem these days and while my now wife was one of those girls she may not be so keen these days, but you never know.

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RE: Nude driving

Maybe somewhere in another dimension there is a safe place to drive nude, but the more I read here, the less safe it sounds to go nude on the road.

The only place I drive nude or semi-nude (top free) is on my riding lawn mower on our 7 acres. It's not worth the price.

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RE: driving nude

I just did and i was so happy! After hving party with my friends on a saturady night out..I drove home naked!
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