What is the deal !
I just joined on here to meet like minded folks on here in my area. Instead I get these stupid friend request from fake folks from overseas trying to pull a fast one over or trying to scam people. Oh well ! Beware !
- 10 years ago
Welcome to the site. You found out early the truth about the site. Being a free site there are a lot of people who are here for the wrong reasons. Being aware of this you can screen the people you have dealings with. When you get a Friends Request there is a good reason for the deny button so you can limit the number of people who you want to be friends with. Basically this is a great site and there are a lot of great people out there. You can have a lot of interesting times here but just keep the creeps at bay. We've made some true friends on this site that we probably wouldn't have met otherwise. Good luck, and again Welcome.
- 10 years ago
Agreed. There's a lot of good info and people here, but a fair amount of garbage to wade through, too. Welcome to the Internet.
- 10 years ago
Once you made and read a few hundred posts you'll get to know those who are genuine and worthy of your friendship.
- 10 years ago
I just joined on here to meet like minded folks on here in my area. Instead I get these stupid friend request from fake folks from overseas trying to pull a fast one over or trying to scam people. Oh well ! Beware !
Welcome to internet nudism! There are several large sites, such as this one, that lend themselves to fakes and trolls ... it's a part of all internet forums and message boards. All you can do is sift through the junk and you'll find good stuff!
Welcome to the site! ;-)
- 10 years ago
I just joined on here to meet like minded folks on here in my area. Instead I get these stupid friend request from fake folks from overseas trying to pull a fast one over or trying to scam people. Oh well ! Beware !
Welcome to internet nudism! There are several large sites, such as this one, that lend themselves to fakes and trolls ... it's a part of all internet forums and message boards. All you can do is sift through the junk and you'll find good stuff!
Welcome to the site! ;-)
Yeah , I know I am new to the site and figured it out the hard way. Oh well, I thought maybe they were people in my area here in sc that were genuine , but what Ya do its all good. I'll stick to going to the resorts near me.
- 10 years ago