RE: How do you "come out" as a nudist?

I'm out with a very select list of friends. I just graduated from college and I am living with my parents. They don't know what I do. They've tried to wake me up and I sleep nude. I think they finally get the idea that if the door is closed I'm not wearing anything. I'm actually going to meet with a yoga instructor to try to get a co-ed nude class going. Never tried it before. Figured I'd ask about their existing ladies only class and see if a guy can get in on the fun. Turns out that the lady wants to pick my brain about my nudist background and club visits. I'm going to print off some AANR stuff and club rules from places I've visited. It's a small step to totally coming out. I know my bass fishing buddies would ream me for being a nudist. So, I'm basically "out" with people of my choosing.

Not sure if most people are worthy of my trust to be super open on Facebook and the like.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: How do you "come out" as a nudist?

As one who loves to fish naked (mostly for trout) don't be so quick to dismiss your bass buddies as nudist companions. I'd be willing to bet that at least one of them would be more than happy to join you for some naked angling. Look for the one who ditches his (or her) shirt and shoes to more fully enjoy the sunshine. From there, it's a short jump to a skinny dip on a hot day when the fishing is slow.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: How do you "come out" as a nudist?

I don't think of nudism as a lifestyle but rather a negative relationship to textiles. Most people are more accepting at heart than I realize. They are just afraid of the "other" regarding themselves and admire you for being yourself. So I would avoid the labels and just say what you do and how you feel. Good luck.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: How do you "come out" as a nudist?

Leave your clothes behind . . .

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  • 9 years ago
RE: How do you "come out" as a nudist?

One way to 'come out' with friends is by accident as happened with me. I was laying out in the backyard last summer when some good long time friends of ours stopped by and they were dropping something off that needed to be left in the backyard. They came in the backyard and there I was. No big deal at the the time and we actually talked about it the other night and our visits to Laguna Del Sol. They said they 'could never do that' but the way it was said indicated they are interested. In addition we went camping with them quite a few years ago and a couple of us skinny-dipped in a lake at that time. When I get the opportunity I'm going to invite them to join us this summer.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: How do you "come out" as a nudist?

As one who loves to fish naked (mostly for trout) don't be so quick to dismiss your bass buddies as nudist companions. I'd be willing to bet that at least one of them would be more than happy to join you for some naked angling. Look for the one who ditches his (or her) shirt and shoes to more fully enjoy the sunshine. From there, it's a short jump to a skinny dip on a hot day when the fishing is slow.

I'm going to be fishing on NBC Sports in a collegiate bass tournament. I doubt that's allowed. I shot ya a message. I'd like to keep in touch! I'd love to find some native trout in the WV mountains. I've never trout fished nude. The really remote streams in WV are really cold year round. Might be a little chilly.

I'm new here, but I've been on the AANR forum for a few years. It's not terribly active. I have friends on there that were my only resources starting out. They helped me to get into nudism/naturism. Now I'm looking at buying property at my local club for a permanent campsite. I'm getting friends involved this summer. I have maybe 3 or 4 people who want to join me for a camping trip!

All the best.

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  • 9 years ago
RE: How do you "come out" as a nudist?

As one who loves to fish naked (mostly for trout) don't be so quick to dismiss your bass buddies as nudist companions. I'd be willing to bet that at least one of them would be more than happy to join you for some naked angling. Look for the one who ditches his (or her) shirt and shoes to more fully enjoy the sunshine. From there, it's a short jump to a skinny dip on a hot day when the fishing is slow.

I'm going to be fishing on NBC Sports in a collegiate bass tournament. I doubt that's allowed. I shot ya a message. I'd like to keep in touch! I'd love to find some native trout in the WV mountains. I've never trout fished nude. The really remote streams in WV are really cold year round. Might be a little chilly.

I'm new here, but I've been on the AANR forum for a few years. It's not terribly active. I have friends on there that were my only resources starting out. They helped me to get into nudism/naturism. Now I'm looking at buying property at my local club for a permanent campsite. I'm getting friends involved this summer. I have maybe 3 or 4 people who want to join me for a camping trip!

All the best.Congratulations on your tournament position. I hope you'll let us know when your show airs. I'll bet some naked angling would provide a ratings bump, I would certainly watching a naked fishing show ;-).

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  • 9 years ago