RE: Intimate Tattoo

I have one close to my private area as well. I've had it many years now.
I'm sure it hurt at the time but feels great now with no regrets ever.
I didn't have a problem getting someone to do it although the artist didn't quite get as close as I wanted.
In the future I may want a little touch up just to connect the tattoo with the subject.

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RE: Intimate Tattoo

I mean a tattoo on your dick =)It didnt hurt that much acctually.And yeah it could be hard to find someone that wanna do the tattoo. Good for me i have friends who's tattoo artist :)

Alan has 3 tattoos on his dick lol he has tracey down the front.a lamp on the side.and when you rub the lamp and it stands proud it says granted down the back lol (I always wish a lot lol) x

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RE: Intimate Tattoo

Maybe I'm one of the weird ones! I have a chain link around my cock, lightning bolts down the shaft and a starburst on the head. Plus a tribal sun in the pubic area and a tribal design on my ass.

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RE: Intimate Tattoo

Not that I would get one anyway, but some of us just don't have enough "canvas" for a pubic tattoo. lol. I've always joked about getting "EXIT ONLY" across my ass. lol

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RE: Intimate Tattoo

I've thought about a tattoo down below several times, but always decided that my PA is sufficient decoration. I have different styles and colors and alternate them. Plus I can take it out as needed.

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Intimate Tattoo

You're Not Alone.

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