My wife embarassed about nudity
I like to be nude, but my wife not so much. She will walk around the bedroom nude but that's it. I would be nude all the time, but I do not feel comfortable for her when I walk around the house nude.
- 9 years ago
This site is more about nudity than marriage counseling. What you do at home is your own private business. If you went to a resort or a nude beach and you were nude and she was not, maybe we could suggest some things for that. If she refuses to go the the nude venue with you, then we can do nothing for that. Good luck.
- 9 years ago
Before I schedule an appointment, is there anyone else that has crossed this bridge?
- 9 years ago
Your problem is quite wide spread across the world. My ex was totally against the idea of me being nude outside the bed or bathroom. But I persevered and the comments slowed to a trickle over time but the angst was still there as was the odd sarcastic comment.
My current partner, was also a little up tight with my nudity, but after I took her to a deserted beach and talked her it to losing her costume whilst swimming her attitude has changed considerably with her slowly adopting to the nudst life style and has enjoyed herself at various nudist socialactivities back in Australia.
Similarly she will only on rare occasions go braless outdoors here in Vietnam because the peer pressure generated if others see a nipple shape or unfetted boob wobble underneath total modest clothing. Whereas in Australia the bras stay in the drawer.
To help in your situation , discussion, support and love should help you both reach a compromise that hopefully over time allow your wife to be more at ease with nudity be it yours or hers.
- 9 years ago
Before I schedule an appointment, is there anyone else that has crossed this bridge?
You say YOU don't feel comfortable walking around her nude.
Why is that? Does she make comments or give you "side eye", or is it just that you, yourself are not comfortable being around her in your home when you're nude?
- 9 years ago
The first time I did it she looked at me , then at the door to see if it was locked. There after she would let me know if any of the children were scheduled to stop by. She has never made any negative comments or crazy looks. I just thought she was uncomfortable, maybe she is not. That being said, from now on, during the day (we have neighbors that could see in if the lights were on), at home, nudism is what I will practice.I will give update tomorrow.
- 9 years ago
We have always been casual with clothes around the house, but until my late 30's (her Mid 30's) we never were naked in front of others and it never occurred to us that this was something we should do..
That changed when we visited our first CO beach, and since then we've never worn clothes on the beach, and have now moved on to staying at all nude resorts.
I very much doubt I'd be a naturist if Lorna wasn't as keen as I am.
But that's just me, it's obvious from the posts here that a lot of guys are desperate for their GF or Wife to join them.
All I can say is... I wish you all the luck in the world convincing her.
- 9 years ago
- When I was "starting out", with my now-ex, I also had some misgivings about being nude at home as much as possible. I did get some negative - and even derogatory comments - from her at first. But I persevered. In time she accepted my nudity; andeventually evenjoined me. It was a "journey"; but eventually it paid off nicely.
- When I moved in with my currentGF, Iexplained to her that clothing at home was optional for me. At first, she was resistant to the idea. But I persevered. She also came to accept it. Then herresistance to nudity started dwindling. Now she routinely stays nude at home aftershowering or changing. It's becomea normal thing for both of us.
- Patience and perseverance - key words. Good luckto you!!
- 9 years ago
I Donald Ducked all morning and the only reaction was her first reaction, a playful giggle and "your nakie".
- 9 years ago
Turns out, my wife is okay with me being a nudist at home, one day I hope she surprises me with some home nudity also, like vacuuming or doing the dishes. Maybe when it gets a little warmer.
- 9 years ago
Well done, we too hope she joins you even on a part time basis to start with.
- 9 years ago