Hi New to Site

Hi, Im new to this site and new to the idea of being nude. Kinda lost at what to do. Any guidance would be much appreciated.
p.s how long does it take for images to get approved by theadministrator?

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RE: Hi New to Site

You have the same photo three times on your site. Are there others that haven't been approved yet or has the problem been solved?

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RE: Hi New to Site

Welcome to the site. Pics may take a day or two to be approved, the site is run by one person: Teamtrue1 aka TT1. Your pics may already have been approved as they are visible to us. When you have some time take a moment to read through the forum threads. There's a lot of good information, advice, opinion there. And if you have any specific questions, feel free to ask. I'm hoping Phil will be around soon to welcome you as he'll give you a few good links to forum threds to start you on your way. We look forward to getting to know you.

Jen (and Steve)

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RE: Hi New to Site

Hi, welcome to the site.
There is now a lot of info here on the forums,
go here to learn your way around and get up to speed.

WELCOME! ..... to TN :) :) :) .....START HERE!

It's well worth investing a little time in learning how the site works,
to get the most out of it.

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RE: Hi New to Site

Welcome to the site Nocturnal. Sit back, relax and have a good time. You found the best nudist site out there.

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RE: Hi New to Site

Welcome to a super community of nudists

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RE: Hi New to Site

Welcome to TrueNudists, nocturnalman! Be patient with the picture thing. TN is a one man show. He'll get to you as soon as possible.

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RE: Hi New to Site

Welcome to the TN web site. There are some nice people here, who are nudists. If you have any question about nudism, feel free to ask it.

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RE: Hi New to Site

Kinda lost at what to do
1st - remove clothing
2nd - doing anything you normally do
3rd - have fun and enjoy.

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me again

Thanks everyone. great help. hope todeveloplasting friendships with such a greatgroupof people.

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RE: Hi New to Site

hello to everyone again. im still building up my courage for first nude pic.

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