Call me cynical but why not just turn off your cams? Hardly anyone in the chat room uses a cam and yet almost ALL of the complaints about unfairness are from people who cam. It seems to me the problem would (mostly) disappear if we all just chatted.And just to make sure I wasn't getting my facts confused, I popped into the chat room and of the 256 people present, 36 had cams. That's only 14% of chatters using a cam. I honestly wish the site owners would shut down this feature so the thrill seekers (and yes, I realize that's not everyone with a cam) would go away and stop filling up the forum with their whining.
LOL. Well saidDitto
- 9 years ago
Call me cynical but why not just turn off your cams? Hardly anyone in the chat room uses a cam and yet almost ALL of the complaints about unfairness are from people who cam. It seems to me the problem would (mostly) disappear if we all just chatted.And just to make sure I wasn't getting my facts confused, I popped into the chat room and of the 256 people present, 36 had cams. That's only 14% of chatters using a cam. I honestly wish the site owners would shut down this feature so the thrill seekers (and yes, I realize that's not everyone with a cam) would go away and stop filling up the forum with their whining.
LOL. Well saidDitto
it could be one solution Folklover, but for the moment you can use cam or not, some use the cam to see with whom we are talking, there are people who like to see who speaks and that also must be respected. i am certified too, i wished it too rabbitnbunny
I'm just saying that I was not doing anything wrong to throw me out the chat
- 9 years ago
Today I wrote in the main room twice, that I am an honest and real person and there are ao many fakes in there, mainly on "woman" side.. And what happened: Block without sayin anything.. Oh no, wrong, they say I should'nt offend the "Ladies" and I wrote to one (with @-sign) that I believe her without any check or test..
But until now: I don't know what I did wrong to be blocked. I onlya said the the truth that 90% of the "ladies" are fake accounts...
- 8 years ago
Today I wrote in the main room twice, that I am an honest and real person and there are ao many fakes in there, mainly on "woman" side.. And what happened: Block without sayin anything.. Oh no, wrong, they say I should'nt offend the "Ladies" and I wrote to one (with @-sign) that I believe her without any check or test.. But until now: I don't know what I did wrong to be blocked. I onlya said the the truth that 90% of the "ladies" are fake accounts...[b
- 8 years ago
I m new user joined last week but still cnt enter chat room..i dont know why. i tried to enter chat first time but not able to get there. before entry i was is happening there?i m still finding way to enter chat room but cant enter..why still dont know
- 8 years ago
Even now tried to enter chat room but message popup you are not allowed to enter..why this Kolavari D?
- 8 years ago